Artifact [251339810c]
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Artifact 251339810cc2acb6ec7b0cd14e352a0193020761:

Tcl Event Loop


The Tcl Event Loop






JBlend supports evaluation of events
in the Tcl event loop. It is important that developers
understand how the Tcl event loop works and how it
should be used. A number of Tcl features depend on the
Tcl event loop, for example vwait will not work properly
if Tcl events are not being processed. The event
loop also implements thread synchronization in Tcl,
so it must be used correctly in a multi-threaded
environment like Java.


The <code>tcl.lang.Notifier</code> class implements event
loop processing functionality in JBlend.
There is one Notifier object per-thread. A Thread can contain
1 to N Tcl interpreters, each interpreter in a specific
thread will have the same Notifier.



In the most simple case, a Thread would contain a single
Tcl interpreter and a Notifier object.



<img src="el1.gif" align="top">



The Notifier manages the Tcl event queue, so if the
interpreter were to invoke <code>after</code> commands
like the following:

<code>after 100 {puts hi}</code>
<code>after 200 {puts bye}</code>


The result would look like:


<img src="el2.gif" align="top">

Tcl events are processed using the <code>Notifier.doOneEvent()</code>
API. Typically, event processing is done in a loop and the
<code>doOneEvent()</code> method is invoked over and over again.

import tcl.lang.*;

class EventProcessingThread implements Runnable {
    Interp interp;

    public void run() {
        interp = new Interp();

        try {
            while (true) {
        } finally {


The example above does not queue any events, so when the
<code>doOneEvent()</code> method is invoked the thread
will block waiting for an event to process. A developer
might want to setup an interp like this and then queue
up events to be processed from another thread. The
following example shows how a developer might source a
Tcl file and invoke a Tcl proc defined in that file.

import tcl.lang.*;

class InterpThreadSetup {

    public static
    String evalInOtherThread() {
        EventProcessingThread r = new EventProcessingThread();
        Thread t = new Thread(r);

        // Wait for other Thread to get ready
        while (r.interp == null) {
            try {Thread.sleep(10);} catch (InterruptedException e) {}
        final Interp interp = r.interp;
        final StringBuffer result = new StringBuffer();

        TclEvent event = new TclEvent() {
            public int processEvent(int flags) {
                try {
                    interp.eval("source somefile.tcl");
                    result.append( interp.getResult().toString() );
                } catch (TclException ex) {
                    // Handle Tcl exceptions here
                return 1;

        // Add event to Tcl Event Queue in other thread
        interp.getNotifier().queueEvent(event, TCL.QUEUE_TAIL);

        // Wait for event to be processed by the other thread.

        return result.toString();

The example above creates a <code>EventProcessingThread</code> object
and then waits for it to get ready. The <code>EventProcessingThread</code>
will start and then block inside the <code>doOneEvent()</code> method.
A new inner class that extends TclEvent is then created and added to
the Tcl event queue via <code>interp.getNotifier().queueEvent()</code>.
Finally, the current thread is blocked waiting for the 
<code>EventProcessingThread</code> to process the event. When the
<code>processEvent</code> method is invoked by the <code>EventProcessingThread</code>,
a Tcl file will be sourced and a Tcl proc named <code>cmd</code> will be invoked.
These two threads would look like the following:

<img src="el3.gif" align="top">

While the example above may seem complex, each step is required to
ensure that events are processed in the correct order and that
Tcl commands are invoked in a thread safe way. Readers should
note that it is <b>not legal</b> to invoke <code>interp.eval()</code>
directly from a thread other than the one processing TclEvents
via <code>doOneEvent()</code>. To do so will cause a crash or
random exceptions. In the example above, the
<code>interp.eval()</code> method is invoked inside the
the <code>processEvent</code> method and that method is invoked
by a call to <code>doOneEvent()</code> in <code>EventProcessingThread</code>.
Using this approach, any number of threads can queue Tcl events
and they will be processed in the correct order.


Multiple Interpreters:


A single thread can contain 1 to N interpreters. A developer could
create multiple Tcl interpreters in Java code via the <code>Interp()</code>
constructor. A developer could also use the interp command inside Tcl to create
a "child" interp. The following example uses the interp create command to
show how events in two different interpreters are processed by the same Notifier.

set i2 [interp create i2]

$i2 eval {
set name "i2"
after 100 {puts "hi $name"}
after 200 {puts "bye $name"}

set name "main"
after 100 {puts "hi $name"}
after 200 {puts "bye $name"}

The code above would result in a thread containing two
Tcl interpreters, it would look like the following:

<img src="el4.gif" align="top">

Both interpreters share the same <code>Notifier</code> object, so
events in the Tcl Event queue for this thread would be
processed in the following order:

<b>Tcl Event Queue</b>
after 100 {puts "hi $name"}  (in i2 interp)
after 100 {puts "hi $name"}  (in main interp)
after 200 {puts "bye $name"} (in i2 interp)
after 200 {puts "bye $name"} (in main interp)

The output of the above code would look like:

hi i2
hi main
bye i2
bye main



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