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<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>TclJava Library Procedures - AssocData manual page</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>
tcl.lang.AssocData -- Used by extensions to associate their own
data with a Tcl interpreter.
<H3><A NAME="M3">METHODS</A></H3>
<P>abstract void <B>disposeAssocData</B>(Interp interp)
<P><DT>Interp <B>interp</B> ()<DD>
The interpreter from which the association is deleted.
The <B>AssocData</B> interface is used by extensions to associate
their own data with a Tcl interpreter.  When the interpreter is
disposed via <I>interp</I>.<B><A HREF="../TclJavaLib/dispose.htm">dispose</A></B>, the <B>disposeAssocData</B>
methods of all the registered AssocData instances are called to
perform the necessary clean up.  Note that if an association is
removed as a result of the <I>interp</I>.<B><A HREF="../TclJavaLib/setAssocData.htm">setAssocData</A></B> or
<I>interp</I>.<B><A HREF="../TclJavaLib/setAssocData.htm">deleteAssocData</A></B> calls, the <B>disposeAssocData</B>
method of the removed AssocData instance is <I>NOT</I> called.

<A href="../cFunctions.htmll">Tcl_CmdDeleteProc</A>
<H3><A NAME="M7">SEE ALSO</A></H3>
<B><A HREF="../TclJavaLib/Interp.htm">Interp</A></B>, <B><A HREF="../TclJavaLib/setAssocData.htm">setAssocData</A></B>
<A HREF="../license.html">Copyright</A> &#169; 1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
<A HREF="../license.html">Copyright</A> &#169; 1995-1997 Roger E. Critchlow Jr.</PRE>