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<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>TclJava Library Procedures - Eval manual page</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>
<DD><A HREF="Eval.htm#M2" NAME="L24">CLASS</A>
<DL><DD>tcl.lang.Interp -- This manual entry contains Interp methods that execute or
check Tcl scripts.</DL>
<DD><A HREF="Eval.htm#M3" NAME="L25">METHODS</A>
<DL><DD>void <B>eval</B>(String <I>str</I>) throws TclException</DL>
<DL><DD>void <B>eval</B>(String <I>str</I>, int <I>flags</I>) throws TclException</DL>
<DL><DD>void <B>eval</B>(TclObject <I>tobj</I>, int <I>flags</I>) throws TclException</DL>
<DL><DD>void <B>recordAndEval</B>(TclObject <I>tobj</I>, int <I>flags</I>) throws TclException</DL>
<DL><DD>void <B>evalFile</B>(String <I>fileName</I>) throws TclException</DL>
<DL><DD>static boolean <B>commandComplete</B>(String <I>cmdName</I>) throws TclException</DL>
<DD><A HREF="Eval.htm#M4" NAME="L26">OTHER METHODS</A>
<DD><A HREF="Eval.htm#M5" NAME="L27">ARGUMENTS</A>
<DD><A HREF="Eval.htm#M6" NAME="L28">DESCRIPTION</A>
<DD><A HREF="Eval.htm#M7" NAME="L29"><B>eval</B></A>
<DD><A HREF="Eval.htm#M8" NAME="L31"><B>recordAndEval</B></A>
<DD><A HREF="Eval.htm#M9" NAME="L30"><B>evalFile</B></A>
<DD><A HREF="Eval.htm#M10" NAME="L32"><B>commandComplete</B></A>
<DD><A HREF="Eval.htm#M12" NAME="L34">SEE ALSO</A>
<H3><A NAME="M2">CLASS</A></H3>
tcl.lang.Interp -- This manual entry contains Interp methods that execute or
check Tcl scripts.
<H3><A NAME="M3">METHODS</A></H3>
<P>void <B>eval</B>(String <I>str</I>) throws TclException
<P>void <B>eval</B>(String <I>str</I>, int <I>flags</I>) throws TclException
<P>void <B>eval</B>(TclObject <I>tobj</I>, int <I>flags</I>) throws TclException
<P>void <B>recordAndEval</B>(TclObject <I>tobj</I>, int <I>flags</I>) throws TclException
<P>void <B>evalFile</B>(String <I>fileName</I>) throws TclException
<P>static boolean <B>commandComplete</B>(String <I>cmdName</I>) throws TclException
<B><A HREF="../TclJavaLib/setVar.htm">setVar</A></B>, 
<B><A HREF="../TclJavaLib/traceVar.htm">traceVar</A></B>, 
<B><A HREF="../TclJavaLib/createCmd.htm">createCommand</A></B>,
<B><A HREF="../TclJavaLib/setResult.htm">setResult</A></B>, 
<B><A HREF="../TclJavaLib/backgdErr.htm">backgroundError</A></B>,
<B><A HREF="../TclJavaLib/getNotifier.htm">getNotifier</A></B>, 
<B><A HREF="../TclJavaLib/setAssocData.htm">setAssocData</A></B>, 
<B><A HREF="../TclJavaLib/dispose.htm">dispose</A></B>, 
<B><A HREF="../TclJavaLib/pkgRequire.htm">pkgRequire</A></B>

<P><DT>String <B>str</B><DD>
String value of script to evaluate.
<P><DT>TclObject <B>tobj</B><DD>
TclObject value of script to evaluate.
<P><DT>int <B>flags</B><DD>
An OR'ed combination of flag  bits. Currently supported flags include
<P><DT>String <B>fileName</B><DD>
File containing script to evaluate.
<P><DT>String <B>cmdName</B><DD>
Command string to test for completeness.
The methods described here are invoked to execute Tcl scripts in
various forms.
<P><DT><A NAME="M7"><B>eval</B></A><DD>
The <B>eval</B> method executes the commands in the script stored in
<I>str</I> or <I>tobj</I> until either an error occurs or the end of the
script is reached.  If the <I>flag</I> argument is specified, it
controls the stack level of the evaluation via an OR-ed combination of
flag bits.  Currently, only the <B>TCL.EVAL_GLOBAL</B> flag is
supported.  If this flag is set, the script is processed at global
level.  This means that it is evaluated in the global namespace and
its variable context consists of global variables only (it ignores any
Tcl procedures that are active).  Otherwise, the script is evaluated in
the current stack level.  A TclException is thrown if an error occurs
in evaluating the <I>str</I> or <I>tobj</I> (e.g. the script contains bad
Tcl syntax or accesses an undefined variable).
<P><DT><A NAME="M8"><B>recordAndEval</B></A><DD>
The <B>recordAndEval</B> method adds the script stored in <I>tobj</I>
to the current list of recorded events and then executes the command by
calling <B>eval</B>. Passing <B>TCL.NO_EVAL</B> in the flags argument
means record the command but don't evaluate.

<P><DT><A NAME="M9"><B>evalFile</B></A><DD>
The <B>evalFile</B> method reads the file given by <I>fileName</I> and
evaluates its contents as a Tcl script.  It behaves the same as
<P><DT><A NAME="M10"><B>commandComplete</B></A><DD>
The <B>commandComplete</B> method takes a Tcl command <I>str</I>
as argument and determines whether it contains one or more
complete commands (i.e. there are no unclosed quotes, braces,
brackets, or variable references).
If the command string is complete then it returns true; otherwise it
returns false.

<A href="../cFunctions.html">Tcl_Eval</A>, <A href="../cFunctions.html">Tcl_GlobalEval</A>, <A href="../cFunctions.html">Tcl_EvalObj</A>, <A href="../cFunctions.html">Tcl_EvalFile</A>, <A href="../cFunctions.html">Tcl_RecordAndEvalObj</A>, <A href="../cFunctions.html">Tcl_CommandComplete</A>
<H3><A NAME="M12">SEE ALSO</A></H3>
<B><A HREF="../TclJavaLib/Interp.htm">Interp</A></B>, <B><A HREF="../TclJavaLib/setVar.htm">setVar</A></B>, <B><A HREF="../TclJavaLib/setResult.htm">setResult</A></B>, <B><A HREF="../TclJavaLib/backgdErr.htm">addErrorInfo</A></B>, <B><A HREF="../TclJavaLib/dispose.htm">dispose</A></B>, <B><A HREF="../TclJavaLib/TclException.htm">TclException</A></B>, <B><A HREF="../TclJavaLib/runtimeError.htm">TclRuntimeError</A></B>, <B><A HREF="../TclJavaLib/TclEvent.htm">TclEvent</A></B>
<A HREF="../license.html">Copyright</A> &#169; 1994-1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
<A HREF="../license.html">Copyright</A> &#169; 1995-1997 Roger E. Critchlow Jr.</PRE>