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<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>TclJava Library Procedures - TclObject manual page</TITLE></HEAD><BODY>
<DD><A HREF="TclObject.htm#M2" NAME="L216">CLASS</A>
<DL><DD>tcl.lang.TclObject -- the basic notion of an &quot;object&quot; in Tcl.</DL>
<DD><A HREF="TclObject.htm#M3" NAME="L217">CONSTRUCTORS</A>
<DD><A HREF="TclObject.htm#M4" NAME="L218">METHODS</A>
<DL><DD><B>TclObject</B>(InternalRep <I>rep</I>)</DL>
<DL><DD>void <B>setInternalRep</B>(InternalRep <I>rep</I>)</DL>
<DL><DD>InternalRep <B>getInternalRep</B>()</DL>
<DL><DD>String <B>toString</B>()</DL>
<DL><DD>void <B>invalidateStringRep</B>()</DL>
<DL><DD>void <B>preserve</B>()</DL>
<DL><DD>void <B>release</B>()</DL>
<DL><DD>boolean <B>isShared</B>()</DL>
<DL><DD>TclObject <B>duplicate</B>()</DL>
<DD><A HREF="TclObject.htm#M5" NAME="L219">ARGUMENTS</A>
<DD><A HREF="TclObject.htm#M6" NAME="L220">DESCRIPTION</A>
<DD><A HREF="TclObject.htm#M7" NAME="L221"><B>TclObject</B></A>
<DD><A HREF="TclObject.htm#M8" NAME="L222"><B>setInternalRep</B></A>
<DD><A HREF="TclObject.htm#M9" NAME="L223"><B>getInternalRep</B></A>
<DD><A HREF="TclObject.htm#M10" NAME="L224"><B>toString</B></A>
<DD><A HREF="TclObject.htm#M11" NAME="L225"><B>invalidateStringRep</B></A>
<DD><A HREF="TclObject.htm#M12" NAME="L226"><B>preserve</B></A>
<DD><A HREF="TclObject.htm#M13" NAME="L227"><B>release</B></A>
<DD><A HREF="TclObject.htm#M14" NAME="L228"><B>isShared</B></A>
<DD><A HREF="TclObject.htm#M15" NAME="L229"><B>duplicate</B></A>
<DD><A HREF="TclObject.htm#M17" NAME="L231">SEE ALSO</A>
<H3><A NAME="M2">CLASS</A></H3>
tcl.lang.TclObject -- the basic notion of an &quot;object&quot; in Tcl.

<H3><A NAME="M4">METHODS</A></H3>
<P><B>TclObject</B>(InternalRep <I>rep</I>)
<P>void <B>setInternalRep</B>(InternalRep <I>rep</I>)
<P>InternalRep <B>getInternalRep</B>()
<P>String <B>toString</B>()
<P>void <B>invalidateStringRep</B>()
<P>void <B>preserve</B>()
<P>void <B>release</B>()
<P>boolean <B>isShared</B>()
<P>TclObject <B>duplicate</B>()
<P><DT>InternalRep <B>rep</B><DD>
Internal representation to be stored in newly created TclObject.
The Java API to the Tcl interpreter is object-based -- in most cases,
the values passed to and from the Tcl interpreter are instances of
TclObject. This includes variable values and command arguments.
A TclObject is dual-ported: it behaves like a String but also holds an
internal representation that can be manipulated more efficiently.  For
example, a TclList is represented as a TclObject that holds the
list's string representation as well as a Vector to hold the
objects for each list element. Dual-ported objects avoid most runtime
type conversions.  This improves the speed of many operations
since an appropriate representation is immediately available.
A number internal representations are supported, including:
TclBoolean, TclDouble, TclList, TclIndex, TclInteger, TclString and
ReflectObject. Most of these internal representations have a
newInstance() method, which can be used to create a new TclObject
instance that contains the specific internal representation.  You
should always create TclObject instances with the newInstance() 
methods; use the &quot;new&quot; operator to create TclObject instances only
when you are writing new internal representations.
The type of the internal representation of Tcl objects can mutate.
Methods such as <B>setInternalRep</B> and <B>invalidateStringRep</B>
are facilities for mutating the internal rep.
To improve memory efficiency, TclObject supports copy-on-write
operations.  When you need to save the value of a TclObject for later
use, call the <B>preserve</B> method; when you no longer need its
value, call the <B>release</B> method. Internally, each call to
<B>preserve</B> will internally increment the &quot;reference count&quot; of the
TclObject by one; conversely, each call to <B>release</B> decrements
the reference count by one.
Some methods, such as <B><A HREF="../TclJavaLib/TclList.htm">TclList</A></B>.
<B>append()</B> and <B><A HREF="../TclJavaLib/TclInteger.htm">TclInteger</A></B>.<B>set()</B>,
modify the contents of a TclObject. These methods cannot be called with a
shared TclObject argument. Before calling such a method, take care to
<b>duplicate</b> any shared object argument.
<b>Shared TclObject Example</b>
import tcl.lang.*;

public class ListAppendCmd implements Command {
    public void 
        Interp interp,
        TclObject[] objv)
    throws TclException
        TclObject obj = objv[1];
        if (obj.isShared())
            obj = obj.duplicate();
        TclList.append(interp, obj, TclString.newInstance("hi"));
<P><DT><A NAME="M7"><B>TclObject</B></A><DD>
The <B>TclObject</B> constructor creates a new TclObject with the
internal representation of <I>rep</I>.
<P><DT><A NAME="M8"><B>setInternalRep</B></A><DD>
The <B>setInternalRep</B> method changes the internal representation
of the TclObject to the value <I>rep</I>.
<P><DT><A NAME="M9"><B>getInternalRep</B></A><DD>
The <B>getInternalRep</B> method returns the internal representation
of the TclObject.  In most cases, one should <b>not</b> use this method
to determine how to treat different types. Instead, the code should
be written so that it attempts to convert to a given type and
deals with a conversion failure.  For example, an object that
could be converted into a valid Tcl list might not have a TclList
internal representation. One would need to attempt the conversion
to see if it would be successful.
<P><DT><A NAME="M10"><B>toString</B></A><DD>
The <B>toString</B> method returns the string representation of the
<P><DT><A NAME="M11"><B>invalidateStringRep</B></A><DD>
The <B>invalidateStringRep</B> method marks the String representation
of the TclObject as invalid.  This method should be called only by
subclasses of the InternalRep prior to a call the
<P><DT><A NAME="M12"><B>preserve</B></A><DD>
The <B>preserve</B> method increments the &quot;reference count&quot;
of a TclObject so that it can be used later. Each call to <B>preserve</B>
should be matched by a call to <B>release</B>.
<P><DT><A NAME="M13"><B>release</B></A><DD>
Invoke the  <B>release</B> method when you no longer need access to
a TclObject. Each call to <B>release</B> will decrement the
&quot;reference count&quot; of the TclObject by one.
<P><DT><A NAME="M14"><B>isShared</B></A><DD>
The <B>isShared</B> method returns true if the TclObject is shared (its
reference count is greater than one.)
<P><DT><A NAME="M15"><B>duplicate</B></A><DD>
The <B>duplicate</B> method returns a copy of the TclObject.
The TclObject returned by <B>duplicate</B> will always have
a reference count of 0.
<A href="../cFunctions.html">Tcl_NewObj</A>, <A href="../cFunctions.html">Tcl_ConvertToType</A>, <A href="../cFunctions.html">TclObj.typePtr</A>, <A href="../cFunctions.html">Tcl_GetStringFromObj</A>, <A href="../cFunctions.html">Tcl_InvalidateStringRep</A>, <A href="../cFunctions.html">Tcl_IncrRefCount</A>, <A href="../cFunctions.html">Tcl_DecrRefCount</A>, <A href="../cFunctions.html">Tcl_IsShared</A>, <A href="../cFunctions.html">Tcl_DuplicateObj</A>
<H3><A NAME="M17">SEE ALSO</A></H3>
<B><A HREF="../TclJavaLib/InternalRep.htm">InternalRep</A></B>, <B><A HREF="../TclJavaLib/TclBoolean.htm">TclBoolean</A></B>, <B><A HREF="../TclJavaLib/TclDouble.htm">TclDouble</A></B>, <B><A HREF="../TclJavaLib/TclList.htm">TclList</A></B>, <B><A HREF="../TclJavaLib/TclIndex.htm">TclIndex</A></B>, <B><A HREF="../TclJavaLib/TclInteger.htm">TclInteger</A></B>, <B><A HREF="../TclJavaLib/TclString.htm">TclString</A></B>, <B><A HREF="../TclJavaLib/ReflectObject.htm">ReflectObject</A></B>, <B><A HREF="../TclJavaLib/Interp.htm">Interp</A></B>
<A HREF="../license.html">Copyright</A> &#169; 1996-1998 Sun Microsystems, Inc.
<A HREF="../license.html">Copyright</A> &#169; 1995-1997 Roger E. Critchlow Jr.</PRE>