Files in the latest check-in sorted by filename
File ages are expressed relative to the check-in time of 2024-09-15 16:19:33.
AndroWishLast ChangeSize
- undroid31.9 hours
- twapi31.9 hours
- aclocal.m410.17 years147
- configure1.44 years278,826
- configure.in2.07 years11,119
- dyncall3.74 years
- dyncall-0.93.74 years
- include3.74 years
- dyncall.h3.74 years5,558
- dyncall_config.h3.74 years1,354
- dyncall_macros.h3.74 years8,100
- dyncall_types.h3.74 years1,869
- lib7.14 years
- release_amd647.14 years
- libdyncall_s.lib7.14 years23,406
- libdyncallback_s.lib7.14 years7,988
- libdynload_s.lib7.14 years3,304
- release_x867.14 years
- libdyncall_s.lib7.14 years27,658
- libdyncallback_s.lib7.14 years11,642
- libdynload_s.lib7.14 years3,012
- readme.txt7.14 years1,818
- Makefile.in1.44 years16,876
- pkgIndex.tcl.in7.00 years5,582
- README.md4.14 years161
- tclconfig1.51 years
- ChangeLog2.23 years32,843
- install-sh10.17 years13,868
- README.txt10.17 years811
- tcl.m41.51 years137,284
- twapi31.9 hours
- account4.07 years
- account.c4.07 years41,705
- makefile8.32 years199
- apputil4.07 years
- apputil.c4.07 years8,881
- makefile8.35 years174
- base108.1 days
- adsi.c8.33 years1,732
- async.c4.07 years7,277
- calls.c2.50 years100,397
- envset.cmd8.35 years140
- errors.c108.1 days16,299
- ffi.c4.07 years33,071
- guids.c4.07 years159
- keylist.c108.5 days1,184
- lzmadec.c4.07 years27,198
- lzmadec.h4.07 years6,921
- lzmainterface.c4.07 years2,169
- lzmatypes.h8.35 years5,206
- makefile7.14 years1,226
- memlifo.c3.74 years24,139
- mycrt.c8.35 years280
- parseargs.c108.5 days24,723
- printdevices.c8.35 years2,215
- printer.c4.07 years1,853
- printioctl.c8.35 years13,884
- recordarray.c4.07 years21,873
- tclobjs.c108.1 days154,942
- threadpool.c4.07 years6,670
- trap.c108.5 days5,861
- twapi.c108.5 days38,518
- twapi_base.h7.14 years2,185
- twine.c4.07 years2,636
- util.c1.68 years20,279
- win.c2.50 years10,314
- winchars.c4.07 years6,563
- BUILD_INSTRUCTIONS2.85 years5,295
- clipboard3.74 years
- clipboard.c3.74 years9,671
- makefile8.35 years153
- com1.40 years
- com.c4.07 years118,284
- comserver.c1.40 years21,121
- makefile8.35 years159
- twapi_com.h4.07 years2,560
- console4.07 years
- console.c4.07 years23,244
- makefile8.35 years147
- crypto108.5 days
- crypto.c108.5 days210,346
- makefile8.35 years278
- pbkdf2.c4.07 years22,097
- pbkdf2.h4.07 years1,829
- sspi.c4.07 years48,719
- twapi_crypto.h4.07 years3,682
- device4.07 years
- device.c4.07 years50,319
- makefile8.35 years178
- doc2.07 years
- addlocalgroup.example8.35 years204
- adduser.example8.35 years225
- addusertolocalgroup.example8.35 years293
- announce.md2.07 years1,902
- announce31.txt4.07 years2,641
- announce40.txt4.07 years221
- apputil.man4.07 years5,259
- base.man2.85 years53,154
- beep.example8.35 years237
- bringtoforeground.example8.35 years510
- certs.man2.28 years81,598
- changedrivelabel.example8.35 years294
- changeserviceaccount.example8.35 years582
- changewindowcaption.example8.35 years473
- checkavailablespace.example8.35 years442
- checkunicodefilenames.example8.35 years538
- clipboard.man3.74 years13,526
- com.man2.85 years52,113
- comserver.man6.36 years11,774
- console.man4.07 years27,792
- continuoussystemsound.example4.07 years453
- crypto.man2.85 years68,776
- deletelocalgroup.example8.35 years210
- deleteuser.example8.35 years195
- device.man4.07 years21,206
- download.png8.35 years2,290
- download.xcf8.35 years6,297
- download_active.png8.35 years2,216
- dumpeventlog.example8.35 years1,068
- etw.man6.36 years38,949
- eventlog.man4.07 years34,963
- examples.man8.35 years6,911
- examples8.35 years
- msi8.35 years
- msilistproducts.tcl8.35 years1,878
- exitprograms.example8.35 years629
- exportfileshare.example8.35 years288
- generate_mshelp_contents.tcl4.07 years2,457
- generate_mshelp_hhp.tcl8.35 years510
- generate_mshelp_index.tcl4.07 years2,335
- generate_web_page.tcl4.07 years4,003
- generate_www_index.tcl8.35 years1,762
- getclipboard.example8.35 years299
- gethtmlfromclipboard.example8.35 years772
- google-ads-horizontal-link-unit.js8.35 years276
- google-ads.js8.35 years296
- google-searchbox.js8.35 years1,720
- hidewindows.example8.35 years662
- hotkey.example8.35 years694
- html_head.inc8.35 years53
- idx.man8.35 years338
- index.htf2.85 years2,482
- input.man3.33 years18,943
- installation.man4.07 years2,957
- installservice.example8.35 years441
- keepontop.example8.35 years477
- killprograms.example8.35 years651
- listconnectedshares.example8.35 years192
- listdrives.example8.35 years104
- listexportedshares.example8.35 years318
- listfulldrives.example8.35 years380
- listgroupsforuser.example8.35 years404
- listproducts.example8.35 years1,795
- listremotedrives.example8.35 years124
- listusers.example8.35 years114
- listusersingroup.example8.35 years653
- magicsplat.png8.35 years2,754
- makedocs.tcl4.07 years548
- makefile2.28 years5,306
- mapdrive.example8.35 years322
- minimizeapp.example8.35 years754
- monitordir.example8.35 years564
- movewindowtoorigin.example8.35 years496
- msi.man4.07 years2,807
- multimedia.man8.35 years3,637
- namedpipe.man4.07 years10,480
- navarrow.png8.35 years179
- network.man4.07 years25,571
- nls.man8.35 years14,088
- opensysmenuwithmouse.example4.07 years803
- osinfo.man2.50 years28,516
- overview.man2.28 years888
- packages.man4.07 years1,340
- pdh.man6.36 years16,597
- playsystemsound.example8.35 years246
- playwavfile.example8.35 years455
- power.man8.35 years4,741
- printcomputername.example8.35 years115
- printer.man8.35 years1,842
- printsysteminfo.example8.35 years123
- process.man2.28 years51,903
- protectfilefromuser.example8.35 years2,424
- putclipboard.example8.35 years472
- raw.man8.35 years712
- registry.man2.28 years22,144
- removetitlebar.example8.35 years697
- removeuserfromlocalgroup.example8.35 years303
- reset-fonts-grids.css6.36 years5,522
- resource.man4.07 years27,177
- restartservice.example8.35 years972
- schedule.man4.07 years22,758
- security.man2.85 years83,685
- sendmenuexit.example8.35 years696
- sendmouseinput.example4.07 years2,400
- sendtext.example8.35 years581
- services.man2.28 years44,512
- setuserhomedirectory.example8.35 years354
- share.man4.07 years24,082
- shell.man4.07 years24,956
- showacls.example8.35 years814
- showautostartservices.example4.07 years966
- showcpuutilization.example8.35 years362
- showinterfaces.example8.35 years1,892
- showmappeddrive.example8.35 years416
- shownetworkstats.example4.07 years1,335
- showphysicaladdress.example8.35 years430
- showprocessmodules.example8.35 years476
- showprocessowners.example8.35 years870
- showrunningservices.example4.07 years709
- showservicedependencies.example8.35 years589
- showservicedependents.example4.07 years610
- showuser.example8.35 years1,020
- showvmstats.example8.35 years782
- showwindows.example8.35 years746
- sspi.man2.28 years25,670
- storage.man2.28 years23,079
- styles.css8.35 years4,398
- styleschm.css8.35 years1,259
- synch.man4.07 years6,051
- tclwinfaq.org4.07 years39,377
- tls.man2.85 years9,909
- transformclipboard.example8.35 years415
- twapi-32.png8.35 years2,175
- twapi-48.png8.35 years3,722
- twapi-48.xcf8.35 years5,311
- ui.man4.07 years40,670
- uninstallservice.example8.35 years323
- unmapdrive.example8.35 years246
- users.man4.07 years40,547
- verifyservicepack.example8.35 years489
- verifyTS.example8.35 years278
- versionhistory.man2.28 years44,431
- winsta.man2.28 years4,253
- wmi.man2.28 years2,284
- etw2.94 years
- etw.c2.94 years110,351
- makefile8.35 years135
- eventlog108.5 days
- eventlog.c4.07 years9,567
- evt.c108.5 days50,985
- makefile8.35 years202
- twapi_eventlog.h8.35 years173
- include1.65 years
- common.inc4.07 years10,770
- common.rc6.81 years1,144
- memlifo.h4.07 years11,817
- rules.inc4.07 years10,788
- tooldefs.inc7.09 years2,237
- twapi.h1.65 years75,647
- twapi_ddkdefs.h4.07 years7,744
- twapi_module_static_init.h4.07 years1,907
- twapi_module_static_proto.h4.07 years1,127
- twapi_sdkdefs.h4.07 years2,376
- twapi_wm.h8.35 years1,307
- version.inc2.07 years196
- zlist.h4.07 years20,011
- input3.33 years
- input.c3.33 years14,868
- makefile8.35 years141
- LICENSE4.07 years1,478
- makefile4.07 years4,678
- metoo8.35 years
- makefile8.35 years114
- msi8.35 years
- makefile8.35 years141
- mstask108.5 days
- makefile8.35 years144
- mstask.c108.5 days39,068
- multimedia4.07 years
- makefile8.32 years178
- multimedia.c4.07 years2,677
- namedpipe4.07 years
- makefile8.35 years153
- namedpipe.c4.07 years54,235
- network108.5 days
- makefile4.07 years182
- network.c108.5 days73,648
- nls4.07 years
- makefile8.35 years135
- nls.c4.07 years9,323
- os4.07 years
- makefile8.32 years132
- os.c4.07 years26,078
- pdh4.07 years
- makefile8.35 years164
- pdh.c4.07 years26,021
- power8.35 years
- makefile8.35 years120
- printer8.35 years
- makefile8.35 years124
- process3.74 years
- makefile8.35 years171
- process.c3.74 years49,609
- rds4.07 years
- makefile8.35 years143
- rds.c4.07 years6,945
- registry3.74 years
- makefile4.07 years162
- registry.c3.74 years34,146
- release.cmd4.07 years560
- release1.cmd4.07 years4,071
- resource4.07 years
- makefile8.35 years175
- resource.c4.07 years20,324
- security108.5 days
- makefile8.35 years203
- security.c108.5 days56,211
- service1.98 years
- makefile8.32 years204
- scm.c2.94 years32,400
- service.c1.98 years21,580
- twapi_service.h8.35 years246
- share108.5 days
- makefile8.35 years141
- share.c108.5 days40,230
- shell2.50 years
- makefile8.35 years165
- shell.c2.50 years34,806
- storage3.74 years
- dirmonitor.c4.07 years26,405
- makefile8.32 years172
- storage.c3.74 years16,698
- twapi_storage.h4.07 years5,039
- synch8.35 years
- makefile8.35 years120
- tcl269.9 days
- account.tcl4.21 years34,614
- adsi.tcl4.07 years687
- apputil.tcl8.33 years2,890
- base.tcl2.85 years61,944
- clipboard.tcl4.07 years6,817
- com.tcl2.85 years145,320
- console.tcl4.07 years23,225
- crypto.tcl2.28 years115,013
- device.tcl2.28 years22,040
- etw.tcl3.74 years50,236
- eventlog.tcl4.07 years14,205
- evt.tcl4.07 years22,359
- handle.tcl4.07 years7,024
- input.tcl4.21 years23,751
- kitgen_setup_twapi_vfs.tcl8.35 years448
- metoo.tcl1.90 years22,851
- msi.tcl4.07 years36,850
- mstask.tcl8.35 years21,948
- multimedia.tcl8.35 years1,718
- namedpipe.tcl4.07 years3,416
- network.tcl3.74 years35,899
- nls.tcl4.07 years16,721
- os.tcl2.28 years42,421
- pdh.tcl4.07 years33,389
- pkgIndexTemplate.tcl8.35 years2,354
- power.tcl8.35 years3,622
- printer.tcl4.21 years1,743
- process.tcl2.28 years67,670
- rds.tcl4.07 years6,407
- registry.tcl2.28 years13,410
- resource.tcl2.28 years18,100
- security.tcl2.85 years74,520
- service.tcl2.28 years39,346
- share.tcl4.07 years29,064
- shell.tcl3.74 years18,642
- sspi.tcl2.28 years27,498
- storage.tcl2.28 years19,429
- synch.tcl4.21 years2,534
- tls.tcl1.93 years48,586
- twapi.tcl269.9 days26,113
- twapi_version.tcl8.35 years332
- ui.tcl2.28 years41,079
- win.tcl4.07 years4,122
- winlog.tcl4.07 years10,659
- winsta.tcl2.28 years3,026
- wmi.tcl4.07 years6,739
- wts.tcl2.07 years1,813
- tests31.9 hours
- all.tcl8.35 years1,057
- apputil.test7.14 years4,806
- base.test2.07 years146,971
- certs3.74 years
- grcrevoked.pem7.14 years1,880
- rsa-1024-private.pem8.35 years912
- rsa-1024-public.pem8.35 years272
- rsa-2048-private.pem8.35 years1,704
- rsa-2048-public.pem8.35 years451
- twapitest.pfx3.74 years12,028
- twapitestaltserver.cer3.79 years1,115
- twapitestca.cer3.79 years1,005
- twapitestclient.cer3.79 years944
- twapitestfull.cer3.79 years1,375
- twapitestintermediate.cer3.79 years1,058
- twapitestmin.cer3.79 years964
- twapitestserver.cer3.79 years944
- verisignrevoked.cer8.35 years1,598
- years2,446
- years2,710
- years3,238
- client_share.vbs8.35 years383
- clipboard.test3.74 years11,767
- com-sanitycheck.tcl4.07 years8,673
- com.test2.85 years54,388
- comservertest.tcl8.35 years2,433
- comtest2.85 years
- comtest.cpp4.07 years1,890
- comtest.def8.35 years222
- comtest.dll8.35 years49,152
- comtest.dsp8.35 years12,999
- comtest.dsw8.35 years537
- comtest.idl8.35 years5,142
- comtest.rc8.35 years2,848
- comtestps.def8.35 years249
- comtestps.mk8.35 years454
- dlldata.c4.07 years796
- README2.85 years2,579
- resource.h4.07 years482
- StdAfx.cpp8.35 years303
- StdAfx.h8.35 years881
- TwapiTest.cpp4.07 years7,675
- TwapiTest.h4.07 years3,519
- TwapiTest.rgs8.35 years600
- console.test4.07 years44,818
- crypto.test2.28 years217,412
- csv.tcl269.9 days19,621
- device.test4.07 years32,725
- disk.vbs8.35 years530
- echoservice.tcl8.35 years6,752
- etw.test8.35 years42,633
- eventlog.test4.07 years34,602
- handle.test4.07 years13,705
- input.test4.07 years22,552
- makefile8.35 years958
- metoo.test4.07 years7,923
- msi.test6.36 years1,277
- mstask.test7.14 years11,039
- multimedia.test8.35 years5,300
- namedpipe.test4.07 years5,069
- network.test4.07 years45,901
- nls.test4.07 years21,261
- npecho.tcl8.35 years5,259
- osinfo.test2.50 years61,011
- osinfo.vbs4.07 years1,174
- parseargs.test8.35 years23,899
- pdh.test4.07 years45,051
- power.test4.07 years4,568
- printer.test4.07 years3,567
- process.test3.74 years98,763
- process.vbs8.35 years1,715
- rctest.dll8.35 years57,344
- rctest3.74 years
- arrow.cur8.35 years326
- bitmap.bmp8.35 years1,270
- cursor.cur8.35 years326
- html1.htm8.35 years54
- icon1.ico8.35 years766
- icon2.ico8.35 years4,534
- icon3.ico8.35 years1,078
- rctest.c4.07 years183
- rctest.dsp4.07 years4,536
- rctest.dsw8.35 years508
- rctest.mak3.74 years2,113
- rctest.rc4.07 years7,413
- resource.h4.07 years3,411
- rctest64.dll8.35 years47,616
- registry.test2.28 years55,737
- resource.test4.07 years65,312
- runtest.bat8.35 years200
- sample.msi8.35 years2,954,240
- sample.xlsx8.35 years8,278
- security.test2.85 years248,489
- services.test4.07 years53,267
- services.vbs4.07 years919
- setuptarget.tcl4.07 years1,589
- share.test4.07 years77,873
- share.vbs8.35 years404
- shell.test4.07 years42,665
- storage.test2.28 years57,826
- synch.test4.07 years10,269
- systemservice.tcl4.07 years6,120
- testaudit.tcl8.35 years3,719
- testutil.tcl2.85 years56,132
- thread.vbs8.35 years533
- tls.test31.9 hours69,315
- tlsecho.tcl7.14 years5,770
- twapi-testcases.xls8.35 years17,408
- ui.test4.07 years79,064
- vixrunner.tcl4.07 years9,430
- winsta.test2.28 years3,518
- ui4.07 years
- gdi.c4.07 years2,210
- makefile8.35 years216
- twapi_ui.h8.35 years151
- ui.c4.07 years35,166
- winsta2.28 years
- makefile8.35 years144
- winsta.c2.28 years9,384
- wmi4.07 years
- makefile8.35 years168
- wmi.c4.07 years5,876
- twapi_entry.tcl.in8.35 years357