Files in the latest check-in for branch trunk and within directory jni/sdl2tk sorted by filename
File ages are expressed relative to the check-in time of 2024-11-23 05:41:26.
AndroWishLast ChangeSize
- jni3.1 days
- sdl2tk3.1 days
- Android.mk7.15 years4,572
- bitmaps10.36 years
- error.xbm10.36 years407
- gray12.xbm10.36 years290
- gray25.xbm10.36 years290
- gray50.xbm10.36 years290
- gray75.xbm10.36 years290
- hourglass.xbm10.36 years494
- info.xbm10.36 years214
- questhead.xbm10.36 years512
- question.xbm10.36 years602
- warning.xbm10.36 years211
- ChangeLog3.42 years187,447
- ChangeLog.20022.42 years276,198
- ChangeLog.20042.42 years134,436
- ChangeLog.200710.36 years205,524
- changes247.9 days323,358
- compat2.33 years
- license.terms10.36 years2,267
- stdlib.h2.35 years1,580
- unistd.h2.33 years2,647
- debian5.00 years
- changelog5.00 years1,383
- compat10.36 years2
- control10.36 years1,361
- copyright10.36 years3,515
- pkgIndex.tcl7.29 years147
- rules8.93 years2,792
- sdl2tk8.6-dev.dirs10.36 years36
- sdl2tk8.6-dev.files10.36 years64
- sdl2tk8.6-doc.files10.36 years42
- sdl2tk8.6.files10.36 years133
- doc64.0 days
- 3DBorder.382.1 days13,750
- AddOption.3196.4 days1,715
- bell.n8.70 years1,156
- bind.n196.4 days32,812
- BindTable.38.70 years6,662
- bindtags.n8.70 years4,008
- bitmap.n8.70 years4,347
- busy.n64.0 days11,373
- button.n8.73 years9,012
- canvas.n2.25 years82,975
- CanvPsY.38.70 years4,819
- CanvTkwin.35.99 years6,480
- CanvTxtInfo.38.70 years4,277
- checkbutton.n8.73 years12,765
- chooseColor.n8.70 years1,558
- chooseDirectory.n196.4 days2,583
- Clipboard.38.70 years3,034
- clipboard.n8.73 years5,746
- ClrSelect.38.70 years1,174
- colors.n196.4 days22,986
- ConfigWidg.38.73 years29,154
- ConfigWind.38.70 years6,172
- console.n4.08 years6,037
- CoordToWin.38.70 years1,655
- CrtCmHdlr.35.41 years2,581
- CrtConsoleChan.38.70 years1,502
- CrtErrHdlr.38.70 years6,242
- CrtGenHdlr.35.41 years3,321
- CrtImgType.34.22 years12,179
- CrtItemType.38.70 years27,186
- CrtPhImgFmt.38.70 years12,257
- CrtSelHdlr.38.73 years5,206
- CrtWindow.38.73 years6,510
- cursors.n196.4 days2,436
- DeleteImg.38.70 years841
- destroy.n8.70 years1,281
- dialog.n8.70 years2,493
- DrawFocHlt.38.70 years1,095
- entry.n4.60 years23,675
- event.n3.30 years22,591
- EventHndlr.35.41 years2,989
- FindPhoto.3280.5 days12,996
- focus.n8.70 years5,532
- focusNext.n8.70 years2,457
- font.n8.73 years16,118
- fontchooser.n8.70 years7,873
- FontId.38.73 years3,489
- frame.n4.28 years7,165
- FreeXId.38.60 years841
- GeomReq.38.70 years4,108
- GetAnchor.38.70 years3,173
- GetBitmap.38.70 years10,206
- GetCapStyl.38.70 years2,048
- GetClrmap.38.70 years3,079
- GetColor.382.1 days7,503
- GetCursor.382.1 days10,241
- GetDash.38.70 years2,646
- GetFont.38.73 years4,461
- GetGC.38.70 years2,760
- GetHINSTANCE.3196.4 days523
- GetHWND.3196.4 days845
- GetImage.38.70 years5,054
- GetJoinStl.38.70 years2,063
- GetJustify.38.70 years3,149
- getOpenFile.n6.53 years8,574
- GetOption.38.70 years1,395
- GetPixels.38.70 years3,403
- GetPixmap.38.70 years1,670
- GetRelief.382.1 days2,917
- GetRootCrd.38.70 years1,326
- GetScroll.34.28 years2,809
- GetSelect.38.70 years3,108
- GetUid.38.70 years1,570
- GetVisual.38.70 years3,544
- GetVRoot.38.70 years1,773
- Grab.3196.4 days2,324
- grab.n5.87 years6,368
- grid.n3.45 years20,039
- HandleEvent.32.00 years1,663
- HWNDToWindow.3196.4 days621
- IdToWindow.38.70 years818
- image.n3.71 years4,053
- ImgChanged.34.21 years2,459
- Inactive.3196.4 days1,054
- InternAtom.38.70 years1,911
- keysyms.n80.1 days82,003
- label.n8.70 years5,259
- labelframe.n4.28 years6,797
- license.terms10.36 years2,267
- listbox.n8.73 years23,598
- loadTk.n4.28 years3,135
- lower.n8.70 years1,473
- MainLoop.38.70 years916
- MaintGeom.34.21 years4,206
- MainWin.38.70 years1,228
- man.macros10.36 years5,810
- ManageGeom.34.22 years3,481
- MapWindow.38.73 years1,610
- MeasureChar.38.73 years5,917
- menu.n1.69 years36,169
- menubar.n8.70 years1,324
- menubutton.n2.33 years9,185
- message.n8.70 years6,443
- messageBox.n64.0 days3,624
- MoveToplev.35.41 years2,125
- Name.38.70 years3,159
- NameOfImg.34.22 years894
- option.n5.01 years5,947
- optionMenu.n8.70 years1,561
- options.n106.0 days18,990
- OwnSelect.38.70 years1,791
- pack-old.n8.70 years7,874
- pack.n3.45 years11,787
- palette.n8.70 years3,181
- panedwindow.n4.22 years14,070
- ParseArgv.35.99 years14,584
- photo.n3.44 years22,830
- place.n3.45 years11,280
- popup.n8.70 years1,500
- print.n2.46 years2,301
- QWinEvent.38.70 years1,905
- radiobutton.n6.72 years12,070
- raise.n6.98 years1,979
- Restack.38.70 years1,568
- RestrictEv.35.41 years3,460
- scale.n5.65 years10,895
- scrollbar.n109.1 days15,154
- sdltk.n289.0 days20,106
- selection.n4.28 years10,037
- send.n8.70 years4,230
- SetAppName.38.70 years2,317
- SetCaret.38.70 years988
- SetClass.38.70 years1,997
- SetClassProcs.35.11 years3,278
- SetGrid.38.70 years2,319
- SetOptions.3109.1 days33,686
- SetVisual.38.70 years1,769
- spinbox.n4.60 years27,190
- StrictMotif.38.70 years1,130
- sysnotify.n3.94 years2,549
- systray.n3.63 years3,241
- text.n283.0 days112,307
- TextLayout.38.73 years14,370
- tk.n2.46 years6,608
- Tk_Init.38.70 years2,560
- tk_mac.n64.0 days9,379
- Tk_Main.38.73 years2,726
- tkerror.n8.73 years1,445
- TkInitStubs.38.70 years3,011
- tkvars.n3.36 years3,979
- tkwait.n8.70 years2,033
- toplevel.n3.87 years8,108
- ttk_button.n302.0 days3,151
- ttk_checkbutton.n4.04 years3,427
- ttk_combobox.n4.04 years6,254
- ttk_entry.n4.04 years18,282
- ttk_frame.n241.6 days2,202
- ttk_Geometry.34.26 years8,048
- ttk_image.n2.22 years3,705
- ttk_intro.n4.26 years6,500
- ttk_label.n241.6 days2,653
- ttk_labelframe.n241.6 days3,797
- ttk_menubutton.n4.04 years2,348
- ttk_notebook.n90.8 days10,659
- ttk_panedwindow.n247.9 days5,449
- ttk_progressbar.n4.04 years4,375
- ttk_radiobutton.n4.04 years3,185
- ttk_scale.n3.42 years4,522
- ttk_scrollbar.n4.04 years7,455
- ttk_separator.n4.04 years1,314
- ttk_sizegrip.n4.04 years2,246
- ttk_spinbox.n241.6 days4,378
- ttk_style.n357.6 days7,690
- ttk_Theme.38.70 years998
- ttk_treeview.n96.0 days20,913
- ttk_vsapi.n7.60 years4,342
- ttk_widget.n184.0 days13,747
- WindowId.38.73 years6,099
- winfo.n5.89 years14,496
- wish.18.70 years9,327
- wm.n1.01 years43,128
- generic43.1 days
- default.h10.24 years666
- ks_names.h203.0 days45,923
- README10.36 years197
- tk.decls2.83 years32,471
- tk.h1.60 years59,302
- tk3d.c84.6 days40,237
- tk3d.h196.4 days3,108
- tkArgv.c176.0 days11,503
- tkAtom.c3.59 years6,305
- tkBind.c176.0 days127,185
- tkBitmap.c176.0 days35,799
- tkBusy.c176.0 days26,465
- tkBusy.h10.36 years1,622
- tkButton.c1.12 years63,999
- tkButton.h196.4 days12,493
- tkCanvArc.c84.6 days64,245
- tkCanvas.c84.6 days180,406
- tkCanvas.h84.6 days11,500
- tkCanvBmap.c176.0 days28,651
- tkCanvImg.c84.6 days24,850
- tkCanvLine.c84.6 days76,361
- tkCanvPoly.c84.6 days59,925
- tkCanvPs.c84.6 days52,002
- tkCanvText.c176.0 days49,522
- tkCanvUtil.c176.0 days49,652
- tkCanvWind.c84.6 days31,738
- tkClipboard.c176.0 days20,619
- tkCmds.c84.6 days58,877
- tkColor.c83.0 days27,010
- tkColor.h196.4 days2,657
- tkConfig.c176.0 days62,916
- tkConsole.c176.0 days29,059
- tkCursor.c83.0 days26,257
- tkDecls.h196.4 days78,122
- tkEntry.c176.0 days132,843
- tkEntry.h4.97 years11,817
- tkError.c3.59 years9,574
- tkEvent.c243.8 days60,780
- tkFileFilter.c176.0 days12,464
- tkFileFilter.h10.36 years2,569
- tkFocus.c247.9 days36,900
- tkFont.c152.5 days123,625
- tkFont.h363.7 days8,070
- tkFrame.c152.5 days67,495
- tkGC.c3.59 years10,896
- tkGeometry.c176.0 days23,158
- tkGet.c176.0 days19,547
- tkGrab.c176.0 days48,778
- tkGrid.c43.1 days109,084
- tkImage.c84.6 days37,374
- tkImgBmap.c84.6 days39,299
- tkImgGIF.c150.0 days61,611
- tkImgPhInstance.c84.6 days56,919
- tkImgPhoto.c142.0 days160,865
- tkImgPhoto.h4.21 years9,139
- tkImgPNG.c150.0 days93,565
- tkImgPPM.c150.0 days23,362
- tkImgUtil.c142.0 days1,915
- tkInt.decls196.4 days51,589
- tkInt.h84.6 days47,234
- tkIntDecls.h196.4 days49,688
- tkIntPlatDecls.h196.4 days29,863
- tkIntXlibDecls.h196.4 days70,529
- tkListbox.c113.8 days104,027
- tkMacWinMenu.c196.4 days4,132
- tkMain.c2.79 years15,699
- tkMenu.c123.4 days107,313
- tkMenu.h196.4 days21,292
- tkMenubutton.c2.54 years28,678
- tkMenubutton.h196.4 days8,036
- tkMenuDraw.c196.4 days27,902
- tkMessage.c196.4 days27,247
- tkObj.c122.5 days31,514
- tkOldConfig.c83.0 days32,457
- tkOldTest.c84.6 days11,938
- tkOption.c176.0 days47,030
- tkPack.c43.1 days57,663
- tkPanedWindow.c176.0 days88,345
- tkPlace.c176.0 days36,849
- tkPlatDecls.h196.4 days6,397
- tkPointer.c64.0 days16,834
- tkPort.h8.84 years781
- tkRectOval.c84.6 days45,538
- tkScale.c196.4 days47,228
- tkScale.h196.4 days9,022
- tkScrollbar.c176.0 days21,646
- tkScrollbar.h196.4 days6,863
- tkSelect.c176.0 days44,599
- tkSelect.h10.36 years6,769
- tkSquare.c1.12 years17,621
- tkStubInit.c196.4 days38,600
- tkStubLib.c196.4 days3,666
- tkStyle.c176.0 days40,918
- tkTest.c84.6 days61,734
- tkText.c82.1 days199,099
- tkText.h314.8 days46,910
- tkTextBTree.c280.5 days141,205
- tkTextDisp.c176.0 days281,732
- tkTextImage.c176.0 days24,316
- tkTextIndex.c176.0 days66,768
- tkTextMark.c176.0 days28,827
- tkTextTag.c176.0 days55,705
- tkTextWind.c176.0 days40,890
- tkTrig.c3.49 years48,188
- tkUndo.c196.4 days16,519
- tkUndo.h8.48 years3,678
- tkUtil.c113.5 days37,275
- tkVisual.c176.0 days16,155
- tkWindow.c176.0 days105,178
- tkZipMain.c243.8 days29,197
- ttk62.4 days
- ttk.decls10.36 years3,121
- ttkBlink.c1.38 years5,958
- ttkButton.c195.1 days24,626
- ttkCache.c356.5 days13,209
- ttkClamTheme.c196.4 days36,391
- ttkClassicTheme.c190.7 days18,241
- ttkDecls.h10.24 years9,829
- ttkDefaultTheme.c62.4 days52,758
- ttkElements.c113.8 days52,482
- ttkEntry.c173.0 days65,908
- ttkFrame.c176.0 days18,723
- ttkGenStubs.tcl3.82 years24,232
- ttkImage.c176.0 days13,499
- ttkInit.c2.34 years8,074
- ttkLabel.c96.0 days20,500
- ttkLayout.c176.0 days30,909
- ttkManager.c176.0 days14,933
- ttkManager.h4.22 years3,495
- ttkNotebook.c176.0 days40,186
- ttkPanedwindow.c176.0 days28,103
- ttkProgress.c195.1 days16,114
- ttkScale.c106.0 days14,485
- ttkScroll.c2.07 years7,446
- ttkScrollbar.c195.1 days9,143
- ttkSeparator.c195.1 days3,656
- ttkSquare.c196.4 days10,212
- ttkState.c176.0 days7,130
- ttkStubInit.c4.22 years1,549
- ttkStubLib.c176.0 days1,762
- ttkTagSet.c3.92 years8,232
- ttkTheme.c63.5 days50,057
- ttkTheme.h354.0 days15,578
- ttkThemeInt.h1.07 years1,621
- ttkTrace.c4.19 years5,418
- ttkTrack.c4.22 years4,824
- ttkTreeview.c62.4 days99,892
- ttkWidget.c247.9 days21,077
- ttkWidget.h2.56 years9,075
- library90.8 days
- bgerror.tcl196.4 days8,553
- button.tcl2.19 years21,482
- choosedir.tcl196.4 days9,389
- clrpick.tcl362.6 days21,739
- comdlg.tcl362.6 days8,499
- console.tcl280.7 days33,816
- demos108.0 days
- android_accel.tcl5.47 years1,841
- android_btchat.tcl7.69 years3,179
- android_compass.tcl7.69 years198,866
- android_demo.tcl9.82 years5,260
- android_eliza.tcl5.47 years22,179
- android_gps.tcl5.47 years4,600
- android_seismic.tcl7.69 years2,118
- android_sensors.tcl7.69 years1,456
- android_webcam.tcl5.15 years3,330
- android_zoom.tcl10.02 years1,306
- anilabel.tcl10.36 years6,670
- aniwave.tcl9.28 years3,494
- arrow.tcl5.15 years8,095
- bind.tcl4.08 years3,086
- bitmap.tcl10.36 years1,411
- browse10.36 years1,755
- button.tcl10.36 years1,504
- check.tcl1.45 years2,310
- clrpick.tcl10.36 years1,431
- colors.tcl6.69 years5,000
- combo.tcl4.97 years2,052
- cscroll.tcl2.07 years4,110
- ctext.tcl5.38 years6,018
- dialog1.tcl4.28 years974
- dialog2.tcl5.87 years828
- en.msg7.55 years3,867
- entry1.tcl4.60 years1,462
- entry2.tcl2.07 years2,189
- entry3.tcl4.19 years6,146
- filebox.tcl4.74 years2,382
- floor.tcl1.45 years80,772
- fontchoose.tcl5.60 years1,793
- form.tcl10.36 years1,046
- goldberg.tcl1.45 years56,574
- hello10.36 years509
- hscale.tcl10.36 years1,522
- icon.tcl10.36 years2,063
- image1.tcl10.36 years1,002
- image2.tcl10.36 years3,352
- images2.86 years
- earth.gif2.86 years51,559
- earthmenu.png7.02 years8,157
- earthris.gif10.36 years6,343
- flagdown.xbm10.36 years1,886
- flagup.xbm10.36 years1,880
- gray25.xbm10.36 years275
- letters.xbm10.36 years1,883
- noletter.xbm10.36 years1,889
- ouster.png10.36 years54,257
- pattern.xbm10.36 years272
- tcllogo.gif10.36 years2,341
- teapot.ppm10.36 years196,623
- items.tcl2.07 years10,370
- ixset4.19 years8,065
- knightstour.tcl4.19 years9,146
- label.tcl10.36 years1,379
- labelframe.tcl10.36 years1,847
- license.terms10.36 years2,267
- mclist.tcl10.36 years4,357
- menu.tcl2.06 years6,570
- menubu.tcl2.22 years4,234
- msgbox.tcl9.28 years1,998
- nl.msg7.55 years6,750
- paned1.tcl5.27 years1,130
- paned2.tcl10.36 years2,244
- pendulum.tcl5.47 years7,728
- plot.tcl10.36 years2,759
- print.tcl2.46 years3,955
- puzzle.tcl2.20 years2,797
- radio.tcl10.36 years2,752
- README10.24 years2,082
- rmt8.48 years5,316
- rolodex283.0 days8,300
- ruler.tcl5.15 years5,323
- sayings.tcl10.36 years2,273
- search.tcl10.36 years4,403
- spin.tcl203.9 days1,538
- square5.47 years1,318
- states.tcl8.84 years2,048
- style.tcl10.36 years6,939
- systray.tcl3.63 years2,924
- tclIndex2.47 years5,473
- tcolor4.19 years11,243
- text.tcl4.60 years4,370
- textpeer.tcl10.36 years2,188
- timer8.48 years1,092
- toolbar.tcl5.62 years3,272
- tree.tcl5.62 years3,272
- ttkbut.tcl5.00 years3,898
- ttkmenu.tcl5.27 years2,411
- ttknote.tcl10.36 years2,317
- ttkpane.tcl5.62 years4,177
- ttkprogress.tcl10.36 years1,536
- ttkscale.tcl10.36 years1,420
- ttkspin.tcl203.9 days1,628
- twind.tcl5.32 years11,656
- unicodeout.tcl9.11 years4,397
- vscale.tcl10.36 years1,502
- widget108.0 days22,455
- windowicons.tcl2.47 years5,592
- wintouch.tcl5.47 years7,703
- dialog.tcl362.6 days5,938
- entry.tcl299.7 days19,130
- focus.tcl10.36 years4,857
- fontchooser.tcl1.46 years18,345
- fonts6.78 years
- DejaVuLGCSans-Bold.ttf10.36 years579,612
- DejaVuLGCSans-BoldOblique.ttf10.36 years552,712
- DejaVuLGCSans-Oblique.ttf10.36 years552,400
- DejaVuLGCSans.ttf10.36 years616,548
- DejaVuLGCSansMono-Bold.ttf10.36 years268,040
- DejaVuLGCSansMono-BoldOblique.ttf10.36 years213,296
- DejaVuLGCSansMono-Oblique.ttf10.36 years220,660
- DejaVuLGCSansMono.ttf10.36 years286,672
- DejaVuLGCSerif-Bold.ttf10.36 years305,840
- DejaVuLGCSerif-BoldItalic.ttf10.36 years292,864
- DejaVuLGCSerif-Italic.ttf10.36 years303,572
- DejaVuLGCSerif.ttf10.36 years331,012
- Symbola.ttf6.78 years2,440,452
- iconbadges.tcl108.0 days13,089
- iconlist.tcl2.06 years16,827
- icons.tcl3.42 years11,267
- icons160.tcl10.27 years16,044
- icons240.tcl10.27 years28,745
- icons320.tcl10.27 years42,088
- icons400.tcl10.27 years57,731
- images8.70 years
- logo.eps8.70 years32,891
- logo64.gif10.36 years1,670
- logo100.gif10.36 years2,341
- logoLarge.gif10.36 years11,000
- logoMed.gif10.36 years3,889
- pwrdLogo.eps8.70 years27,800
- pwrdLogo75.gif10.36 years1,171
- pwrdLogo100.gif10.36 years1,615
- pwrdLogo150.gif10.36 years2,489
- pwrdLogo175.gif10.36 years2,981
- pwrdLogo200.gif10.36 years3,491
- README10.36 years322
- tai-ku.gif10.36 years5,473
- LICENSE.Symbola5.50 years239
- license.terms10.36 years2,267
- listbox.tcl196.4 days14,693
- megawidget.tcl4.19 years9,565
- menu.tcl335.5 days39,323
- mkpsenc.tcl9.79 years29,352
- msgbox.tcl362.6 days16,428
- msgs1.35 years
- cs.msg2.46 years4,951
- da.msg2.46 years4,677
- de.msg2.46 years5,571
- el.msg2.46 years10,010
- en.msg2.46 years3,881
- en_gb.msg10.36 years63
- eo.msg2.37 years4,711
- es.msg2.46 years4,652
- fi.msg2.46 years5,797
- fr.msg2.46 years4,576
- hu.msg2.46 years5,432
- it.msg2.46 years4,440
- nl.msg2.46 years5,217
- pl.msg2.46 years5,608
- pt.msg2.46 years4,683
- ru.msg2.41 years9,771
- sv.msg2.46 years4,592
- uk.msg8.36 years9,461
- zh_cn.msg1.35 years5,690
- obsolete.tcl10.36 years5,594
- optMenu.tcl10.36 years1,586
- palette.tcl2.06 years9,140
- panedwindow.tcl10.36 years5,176
- pkgIndex.tcl5.00 years116
- print.tcl1.96 years28,878
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- license.terms10.36 years2,267
- README280.5 days40,180
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- Tk.xcodeproj4.28 years
- default.pbxuser10.36 years9,635
- project.pbxproj4.28 years493,601
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- README.md3.42 years1,553
- sdl69.9 days
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- agg-2.498.0 days
- agg2d6.70 years
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- agg2d.h7.03 years23,075
- Makefile.in9.62 years367
- authors10.14 years85
- autogen.sh10.14 years342
- bin9.62 years
- AggConfig.cmake.in9.62 years1,301
- AggConfigOutBuild.cmake.in9.62 years1,340
- FindAgg.cmake9.62 years4,429
- FindEXPAT.cmake9.62 years1,290
- FindFreetype.cmake9.62 years3,479
- UseAgg.cmake.in9.62 years927
- ChangeLog10.14 years31
- cmake_install.html9.62 years10,452
- CMakeLists.txt9.62 years8,938
- configure.in10.14 years4,668
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- distclean10.36 years848
- doc9.62 years
- AggCP-Gradients1_readme.txt9.62 years3,203
- examples6.62 years
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- aa_test.cpp9.62 years18,511
- agg2d_demo.cpp9.62 years15,287
- alpha_gradient.cpp9.62 years12,380
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- alpha_mask2.cpp9.62 years12,037
- alpha_mask3.cpp9.62 years17,232
- art9.62 years
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- agg.ppm9.62 years3,108
- compositing.bmp9.62 years64,118
- compositing.ppm9.62 years63,959
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- shapes.txt9.62 years241,655
- spheres.bmp9.62 years288,054
- spheres.ppm9.62 years288,015
- timesi.zip9.62 years152,912
- BeOS10.14 years
- Makefile10.14 years13,055
- readme.txt10.14 years894
- bezier_div.cpp9.62 years21,106
- blend_color.cpp9.62 years16,136
- blur.cpp9.62 years11,623
- bspline.cpp9.62 years4,779
- circles.cpp9.62 years7,459
- CMakeLists.txt9.62 years5,789
- component_rendering.cpp9.62 years2,691
- compositing.cpp9.62 years13,201
- compositing2.cpp9.62 years9,588
- conv_contour.cpp9.62 years5,290
- conv_dash_marker.cpp9.62 years8,376
- conv_stroke.cpp9.62 years7,710
- distortions.cpp9.62 years19,987
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- flash_rasterizer2.cpp9.62 years16,218
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- gamma_correction.cpp9.62 years5,239
- gamma_ctrl.cpp9.62 years6,686
- gamma_tuner.cpp9.62 years6,591
- gouraud.cpp10.14 years8,946
- gouraud_mesh.cpp9.62 years13,472
- gradient_focal.cpp9.62 years8,304
- gradients.cpp9.62 years18,074
- gradients_contour.cpp6.62 years112,076
- graph_test.cpp9.62 years26,606
- idea.cpp9.62 years10,676
- image1.cpp9.62 years7,606
- image_alpha.cpp9.62 years6,863
- image_filters.cpp9.62 years13,294
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- image_fltr_graph.cpp9.62 years11,500
- image_perspective.cpp9.62 years10,920
- image_resample.cpp9.62 years12,357
- image_transforms.cpp9.62 years13,765
- interactive_polygon.cpp10.14 years9,054
- interactive_polygon.h10.14 years3,025
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- line_patterns_clip.cpp9.62 years14,367
- line_thickness.cpp9.62 years4,222
- lion.cpp9.62 years4,475
- lion_lens.cpp9.62 years5,345
- lion_outline.cpp9.62 years5,237
- macosx_carbon10.14 years
- Makefile10.14 years14,295
- readme.txt10.36 years717
- macosx_sdl10.14 years
- Makefile10.14 years11,711
- readme.txt10.14 years893
- make_arrows.cpp10.36 years1,849
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- Makefile.am9.62 years18,341
- mol_view.cpp9.62 years25,841
- multi_clip.cpp9.62 years11,140
- parse_lion.cpp9.62 years24,062
- pattern_fill.cpp9.62 years11,638
- pattern_perspective.cpp9.62 years9,337
- pattern_resample.cpp10.14 years13,378
- perspective.cpp9.62 years9,095
- pixel_formats.h9.62 years10,247
- polymorphic_renderer.cpp9.62 years4,990
- raster_text.cpp9.62 years6,413
- rasterizer_compound.cpp9.62 years8,360
- rasterizers.cpp9.62 years7,442
- rasterizers2.cpp9.62 years18,313
- rounded_rect.cpp9.62 years4,182
- scanline_boolean.cpp9.62 years7,104
- scanline_boolean2.cpp9.62 years21,631
- simple_blur.cpp9.62 years7,240
- svg_viewer6.62 years
- agg_svg_exception.h10.36 years1,751
- agg_svg_parser.cpp6.62 years29,464
- agg_svg_parser.h6.62 years2,894
- agg_svg_path_renderer.cpp6.62 years13,042
- agg_svg_path_renderer.h6.62 years11,557
- agg_svg_path_tokenizer.cpp10.36 years4,296
- agg_svg_path_tokenizer.h10.36 years3,729
- svg_test.cpp9.62 years6,687
- trans_curve1.cpp9.62 years8,901
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- trans_curve2.cpp9.62 years11,106
- trans_curve2_ft.cpp9.62 years11,178
- trans_polar.cpp9.62 years4,953
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- win32_api9.62 years
- aa_demo9.62 years
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- aa_demo.dsw10.36 years508
- aa_demo.vcxproj9.62 years7,317
- Makefile10.36 years760
- aa_test9.62 years
- aa_test.dsp10.14 years4,654
- aa_test.dsw10.36 years508
- aa_test.vcxproj9.62 years8,046
- Makefile10.36 years771
- agg.props9.62 years420
- agg2d_demo9.62 years
- agg2d_demo.vcxproj9.62 years4,477
- Makefile9.62 years981
- alpha_gradient9.62 years
- alpha_gradient.dsp10.14 years4,906
- alpha_gradient.dsw10.36 years522
- alpha_gradient.vcxproj9.62 years8,276
- Makefile10.36 years778
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- alpha_mask.dsw10.36 years514
- alpha_mask.vcxproj9.62 years8,115
- Makefile10.36 years797
- alpha_mask29.62 years
- alpha_mask2.dsp10.14 years5,034
- alpha_mask2.dsw10.36 years516
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- Makefile10.36 years798
- alpha_mask39.62 years
- alpha_mask3.dsp10.14 years4,920
- alpha_mask3.dsw10.36 years516
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- Makefile10.36 years814
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- Makefile10.36 years841
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- blend_color.dsp10.14 years5,106
- blend_color.dsw10.14 years516
- blend_color.vcxproj9.62 years8,392
- Makefile10.14 years775
- blur9.62 years
- blur.dsp10.14 years5,015
- blur.dsw10.14 years502
- blur.vcxproj9.62 years8,329
- Makefile10.14 years768
- bspline9.62 years
- bspline.dsp10.14 years4,895
- bspline.dsw10.36 years508
- bspline.vcxproj9.62 years8,304
- Makefile10.36 years838
- circles9.62 years
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- circles.dsw10.36 years508
- circles.vcxproj9.62 years8,285
- Makefile10.36 years771
- component_rendering9.62 years
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- component_rendering.dsw10.36 years532
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- Makefile10.36 years783
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- compositing.dsw10.36 years516
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- Makefile10.36 years764
- readme10.36 years79
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- compositing2.dsw10.14 years518
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- Makefile10.36 years776
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- Makefile10.36 years780
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- conv_stroke.dsw10.36 years516
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- Makefile10.36 years775
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- distortions.dsw10.36 years516
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- Makefile10.36 years775
- readme10.36 years324
- examples.dsw10.14 years12,632
- examples.sln9.62 years57,631
- flash_rasterizer9.62 years
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- flash_rasterizer.dsw10.14 years526
- flash_rasterizer.vcxproj9.62 years8,212
- Makefile10.14 years780
- flash_rasterizer29.62 years
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- flash_rasterizer2.dsw10.14 years528
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- Makefile10.14 years781
- freetype_test9.62 years
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- Makefile10.36 years820
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- Makefile10.36 years780
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- gamma_ctrl.dsw10.36 years514
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- Makefile10.36 years773
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- Makefile10.14 years774
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- gouraud.dsw10.36 years508
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- Makefile10.36 years771
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- gouraud_mesh.dsw10.14 years518
- gouraud_mesh.vcxproj9.62 years9,908
- Makefile10.14 years776
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- gradient_focal.dsp10.14 years5,237
- gradient_focal.dsw10.14 years522
- gradient_focal.vcxproj9.62 years8,585
- Makefile10.14 years744
- gradients9.62 years
- gradients.dsp10.14 years5,167
- gradients.dsw10.36 years512
- gradients.vcxproj9.62 years8,430
- Makefile10.36 years773
- settings.dat10.14 years509
- graph_test9.62 years
- graph_test.dsp10.14 years5,435
- graph_test.dsw10.36 years514
- graph_test.vcxproj9.62 years8,635
- Makefile10.36 years774
- idea9.62 years
- idea.dsp10.14 years4,666
- idea.dsw10.36 years502
- idea.vcxproj9.62 years8,099
- Makefile10.36 years768
- image19.62 years
- image1.dsp10.14 years4,938
- image1.dsw10.36 years506
- image1.vcxproj9.62 years8,300
- Makefile10.36 years770
- readme10.36 years73
- image_alpha9.62 years
- image_alpha.dsp10.14 years4,918
- image_alpha.dsw10.36 years516
- image_alpha.vcxproj9.62 years8,280
- Makefile10.36 years775
- readme10.36 years75
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- image_filters.dsw10.36 years520
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- Makefile10.36 years777
- readme10.36 years75
- image_filters29.62 years
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- image_filters2.dsw10.36 years522
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- Makefile10.36 years778
- readme10.36 years75
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- image_fltr_graph.dsw10.36 years526
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- Makefile10.36 years780
- image_perspective9.62 years
- image_perspective.dsp10.14 years5,041
- image_perspective.dsw10.36 years528
- image_perspective.vcxproj9.62 years8,430
- Makefile10.36 years848
- readme10.36 years75
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- image_resample.dsw10.36 years522
- image_resample.vcxproj9.62 years9,026
- Makefile10.36 years845
- readme10.36 years75
- image_transforms9.62 years
- image_transforms.dsp10.14 years5,500
- image_transforms.dsw10.36 years526
- image_transforms.vcxproj9.62 years8,763
- Makefile10.36 years780
- readme!10.14 years8,725
- line_patterns9.62 years
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- line_patterns.dsw10.36 years520
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- Makefile10.36 years777
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- line_patterns_clip.dsw10.14 years530
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- Makefile10.14 years782
- line_thickness9.62 years
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- lion9.62 years
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- lion.dsw10.36 years502
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- Makefile10.36 years791
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- lion_lens.dsw10.36 years512
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- Makefile10.36 years796
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- lion_outline.dsw10.36 years518
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- Makefile10.36 years799
- Makefile9.62 years2,607
- mol_view9.62 years
- Makefile10.36 years772
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- mol_view.dsw10.36 years510
- mol_view.vcxproj9.62 years8,664
- readme10.36 years128
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- Makefile10.36 years797
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- multi_clip.dsw10.36 years514
- multi_clip.vcxproj9.62 years8,328
- pattern_fill9.62 years
- Makefile10.36 years776
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- pattern_fill.dsw10.36 years518
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- pattern_perspective.dsw10.36 years532
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- pattern_resample9.62 years
- Makefile10.36 years847
- pattern_resample.dsp10.14 years5,634
- pattern_resample.dsw10.36 years526
- pattern_resample.vcxproj9.62 years8,901
- perspective9.62 years
- Makefile10.36 years830
- perspective.dsp10.14 years4,774
- perspective.dsw10.36 years516
- perspective.vcxproj9.62 years8,203
- polymorphic_renderer9.62 years
- Makefile10.36 years784
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- polymorphic_renderer.dsw10.36 years534
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- pure_api.dsw10.36 years510
- pure_api.h10.36 years320
- pure_api.ico10.36 years1,078
- pure_api.rc10.36 years2,948
- pure_api.vcxproj9.62 years7,881
- resource.h10.36 years762
- small.ico10.36 years318
- StdAfx.cpp10.36 years287
- StdAfx.h10.36 years904
- raster_text9.62 years
- Makefile10.36 years775
- raster_text.dsp10.14 years4,910
- raster_text.dsw10.36 years516
- raster_text.vcxproj9.62 years8,279
- rasterizer_compound9.62 years
- Makefile10.14 years783
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- rasterizer_compound.dsw10.14 years532
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- rasterizers9.62 years
- Makefile10.36 years775
- rasterizers.dsp10.14 years4,870
- rasterizers.dsw10.36 years516
- rasterizers.vcxproj9.62 years8,210
- rasterizers29.62 years
- Makefile10.36 years776
- rasterizers2.dsp10.14 years5,877
- rasterizers2.dsw10.36 years518
- rasterizers2.vcxproj9.62 years9,026
- rounded_rect9.62 years
- Makefile10.36 years776
- rounded_rect.dsp10.14 years4,791
- rounded_rect.dsw10.36 years518
- rounded_rect.vcxproj9.62 years8,154
- scanline_boolean9.62 years
- Makefile10.36 years847
- scanline_boolean.dsp10.14 years5,014
- scanline_boolean.dsw10.36 years526
- scanline_boolean.vcxproj9.62 years8,416
- scanline_boolean29.62 years
- Makefile10.36 years820
- scanline_boolean2.dsp10.14 years4,998
- scanline_boolean2.dsw10.36 years528
- scanline_boolean2.vcxproj9.62 years8,306
- simple_blur9.62 years
- Makefile10.36 years798
- simple_blur.dsp10.14 years4,944
- simple_blur.dsw10.36 years516
- simple_blur.vcxproj9.62 years8,337
- svg_test9.62 years
- svg_test.dsp10.14 years5,510
- svg_test.dsw10.36 years510
- svg_test.vcxproj9.62 years8,985
- trans_curve19.62 years
- Makefile10.36 years920
- trans_curve1.dsp10.14 years5,351
- trans_curve1.dsw10.36 years518
- trans_curve1.vcxproj9.62 years8,658
- trans_curve29.62 years
- Makefile10.36 years920
- trans_curve2.dsp10.14 years5,438
- trans_curve2.dsw10.36 years518
- trans_curve2.vcxproj9.62 years8,756
- trans_polar9.62 years
- Makefile10.36 years775
- trans_polar.dsp10.14 years4,704
- trans_polar.dsw10.36 years516
- trans_polar.vcxproj9.62 years8,089
- truetype_test9.62 years
- Makefile10.36 years889
- truetype_test.dsp10.14 years5,046
- truetype_test.dsw10.36 years520
- truetype_test.vcxproj9.62 years8,356
- win32_api_dmc10.14 years
- Makefile10.14 years13,550
- readme10.14 years617
- X1110.14 years
- Makefile10.14 years12,052
- readme.txt10.14 years893
- font_freetype98.0 days
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- agg_font_freetype2.h9.62 years9,309
- Makefile.am10.36 years238
- Makefile.in10.36 years328
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- Makefile.am10.14 years498
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- agg_basics.h6.62 years17,703
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- agg_ctrl.h10.14 years3,849
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- agg_spline_ctrl.h10.14 years5,718
- Makefile.am10.14 years245
- Makefile.am10.14 years3,626
- platform8.95 years
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- mac10.14 years
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- Makefile.am10.14 years146
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- agg_color_conv_rgb16.h10.14 years10,701
- Makefile.am10.36 years121
- install10.14 years1,774
- libagg.m410.14 years907
- libagg.pc.in10.14 years273
- Makefile10.14 years85
- Makefile.am10.14 years595
- Makefile.AmigaOS10.14 years11,194
- years81
- years129
- years129
- years131
- years217
- years78
- years129
- years126
- years91
- years91
- years125
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- my_demo.cpp10.14 years7,413
- myproject.cmake9.62 years926
- news10.14 years31
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- authors10.36 years-
- autogen.sh10.36 years294
- ChangeLog10.36 years-
- CMakeLists.txt6.62 years11,336
- configure.in10.14 years228
- copying10.14 years443
- ctrl6.02 years
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- Makefile.am10.14 years381
- install10.36 years-
- Makefile.am10.14 years1,162
- Makefile.in10.14 years1,158
- news10.36 years-
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- Makefile.am10.14 years36
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- Makefile.am10.14 years36
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- Makefile.am10.14 years41
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- Makefile.am10.14 years291
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- Makefile.am10.14 years381
- X119.62 years
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- Makefile.am10.14 years302
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- configure.in1.34 years18,303
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- years3,302
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- SdlTkInt.h243.8 days14,536
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- menubut.test107.4 days26,072
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- option.file210.36 years34
- option.file38.69 years378
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- README10.36 years215
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- window.test107.4 days9,916
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- README5.13 years8,674
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- years3,297
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- years2,957
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- cursor92.cur10.36 years326
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- cursor98.cur10.36 years326
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- years2,933
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