Files in the latest check-in for branch trunk and within directory jni/src sorted by filename
File ages are expressed relative to the check-in time of 2024-11-23 05:41:26.
AndroWishLast ChangeSize
- jni176.7 days
- src176.7 days
- Android.mk7.04 years835
- doc211.8 days
- ble.n257.0 days26,331
- borg.n211.8 days55,157
- muzic.n4.90 years8,379
- rfcomm.n4.90 years8,449
- usbserial.n4.90 years8,313
- README.md4.33 years683
- tclBLE.c257.0 days63,014
- tclBLE.h9.63 years452
- tclMuzic.c5.75 years14,740
- tclMuzic.h9.47 years451
- tclRfcomm.c1.59 years35,995
- tclRfcomm.h9.64 years468
- tclUsbserial.c176.7 days18,422
- tclUsbserial.h9.64 years480
- tkAppInit.c4.65 years14,395
- tkBorg.c211.8 days178,131
- tkBorg.h9.47 years574