Files from all 9756 check-ins within directory jni/tkzinc sorted by filename
File ages are expressed relative to the check-in time of 2025-02-10 17:53:06.
AndroWishLast ChangeSize
- jni163.6 days
- tkzinc163.6 days
- aclocal.m41.85 years4,148
- Android.mk7.35 years2,600
- bootstrap7.36 years41
- BUGS7.36 years570
- configure1.85 years335,716
- configure.in1.85 years10,228
- Copyright7.36 years804
- debian1.85 years
- changelog1.85 years71,438
- control7.36 years1,470
- copyright7.36 years873
- README.debian7.36 years130
- rules1.85 years3,104
- zinc-python.postinst7.36 years689
- zinc-python.prerm7.36 years226
- demos1.85 years
- allOptions.tcl1.85 years3,641
- atomicGroups.tcl1.85 years7,388
- clipping.tcl1.85 years4,408
- colorCircular.tcl1.85 years2,918
- colorX.tcl1.85 years2,064
- colorY.tcl7.36 years2,107
- contours.tcl7.36 years6,776
- curveBezier.tcl7.34 years10,818
- data7.36 years
- hegias_parouest_TE.vid7.36 years9,216
- videomap_orly7.36 years67,584
- videomap_paris-w_90_27.36 years8,192
- fillRule.tcl7.36 years4,255
- groupsInAtcStrips.tcl7.34 years17,678
- groupsPriority.tcl7.34 years8,158
- iconTransform.tcl1.85 years4,138
- images7.36 years
- background_texture.gif7.36 years19,979
- paper-grey.gif7.36 years1,540
- paper-grey1.gif7.36 years1,540
- paper.gif7.36 years1,529
- photoAlpha.png7.36 years77,053
- stripped_texture.gif7.36 years123
- zinc.gif7.36 years1,461
- items.tcl1.85 years5,150
- labelformat.tcl7.36 years3,365
- lines.tcl7.36 years2,243
- magicLens.tcl7.34 years7,026
- pathTags.tcl1.85 years12,151
- photoAlpha.tcl1.85 years4,178
- reliefs.tcl1.85 years7,745
- simpleInteractionTrack.tcl7.36 years7,188
- simpleRadar.tcl1.85 years13,722
- testGraphics.tcl1.85 years55,418
- textInput.tcl7.36 years2,773
- tiger.tcl7.36 years150,776
- tkZincLogo.tcl1.85 years4,424
- transforms.tcl1.85 years13,717
- triangles.tcl7.36 years1,757
- windowContours.tcl7.34 years2,853
- zinc-widget7.34 years11,381
- doc1.85 years
- alledges.png7.36 years1,684
- allgradients.png7.36 years11,103
- alllineshapes.png7.36 years2,672
- allreliefs.png7.36 years4,878
- alphastip.png7.36 years4,154
- atcsymb.png7.36 years2,206
- fillrule.png7.36 years7,404
- index.html7.36 years376
- refman.cfg1.85 years1,335
- refman.tex1.85 years241,736
- tabularexample.png7.36 years456
- textthroughholes.png7.36 years6,309
- tkzinclogo.png7.36 years13,451
- trackexample.png7.36 years2,626
- waypointexample.png7.36 years987
- generic163.6 days
- Arc.c1.85 years39,860
- Attrs.c1.85 years30,065
- Attrs.h1.85 years6,693
- CharsetISO8859-15.h7.28 years1,017
- CharsetUTF8.h7.28 years1,379
- Color.c1.85 years37,477
- Color.h1.85 years3,140
- Curve.c164.1 days70,066
- Draw.c1.85 years67,971
- Draw.h1.85 years4,426
- Field.c164.1 days76,310
- Field.h1.85 years2,789
- Geo.c1.85 years87,288
- Geo.h1.85 years9,907
- Group.c1.85 years51,603
- Group.h1.85 years872
- Icon.c1.85 years29,278
- Image.c163.6 days47,579
- Image.h1.85 years1,869
- Item.c1.85 years72,222
- Item.h1.85 years14,173
- List.c1.85 years13,461
- List.h1.85 years1,937
- Map.c1.85 years50,947
- MapInfo.c1.85 years57,202
- MapInfo.h1.85 years2,804
- OverlapMan.c1.85 years29,410
- OverlapMan.h1.85 years2,863
- perfos.c1.85 years8,037
- perfos.h1.85 years1,255
- PostScript.c1.85 years64,517
- PostScript.h1.85 years2,010
- Rectangle.c164.1 days28,558
- Reticle.c1.85 years19,146
- Tabular.c1.85 years18,325
- Text.c1.85 years59,583
- tkZinc.c163.6 days295,021
- tkZinc.h1.85 years3,550
- Track.c1.85 years79,070
- Track.h1.85 years1,442
- Transfo.c1.85 years19,909
- Transfo.h1.85 years2,434
- Triangles.c1.85 years24,264
- Types.h1.85 years6,830
- Viewport.c1.85 years32,234
- WidgetInfo.h1.85 years13,526
- Window.c1.85 years28,644
- WindowUtils.c1.85 years5,963
- WindowUtils.h1.85 years1,446
- LGPL.txt1.85 years24,388
- library1.85 years
- pkgIndex.tcl7.36 years696
- zincGraphics.tcl1.85 years43,552
- zincLogo.tcl1.85 years3,640
- zincText.tcl1.85 years4,981
- macosx1.85 years
- OSXPort.c1.85 years7,620
- Makefile.in1.85 years10,003
- Perl1.85 years
- demos1.85 years
- Makefile.PL1.85 years208
- t7.36 years
- no-test.t7.36 years157
- Tk1.85 years
- demos1.85 years
- zinc_contrib_lib1.85 years
- README7.36 years50
- TripleRotatingWheel.pl1.85 years12,651
- zinc_data7.36 years
- background_texture.gif7.36 years19,979
- hegias_parouest_TE.vid7.36 years9,216
- paper-grey.gif7.36 years1,540
- paper-grey1.gif7.36 years1,540
- paper.gif7.36 years1,529
- stripped_texture.gif7.36 years123
- videomap_orly7.36 years67,584
- videomap_paris-w_90_27.36 years8,192
- zinc.gif7.36 years793
- zinc_anti.gif7.36 years1,461
- zinc_lib1.85 years
- all_options.pl1.85 years4,745
- atomic-groups.pl1.85 years7,469
- clipping.pl1.85 years4,263
- color-circular.pl1.85 years2,864
- color-path-and-conic.pl1.85 years2,873
- color-x.pl1.85 years3,035
- color-y.pl1.85 years2,726
- contours.pl1.85 years6,509
- counter.pl1.85 years10,169
- curve_bezier.pl1.85 years11,504
- fillrule.pl1.85 years3,687
- groups_in_ATC_strips.pl1.85 years26,098
- groups_priority.pl1.85 years8,155
- icon_zoom_resize.pl1.85 years3,901
- items.pl1.85 years5,200
- labelformat.pl1.85 years3,060
- lines.pl1.85 years2,564
- MagicLens.pl1.85 years9,462
- mapinfo.pl1.85 years4,469
- path_tags.pl1.85 years13,576
- rotation.pl1.85 years3,196
- simple_interaction_track.pl1.85 years6,628
- simpleradar.pl1.85 years16,055
- testGraphics.pl1.85 years69,161
- textInput.pl1.85 years2,509
- tiger.pl1.85 years155,671
- tkZincLogo.pl1.85 years4,195
- transforms.pl1.85 years13,768
- translation.pl1.85 years3,716
- triangles.pl1.85 years1,536
- usedamage.pl1.85 years5,650
- wheelOfFortune.pl1.85 years10,829
- window-contours.pl1.85 years2,865
- Zetris.pl1.85 years22,472
- zoom.pl1.85 years4,716
- zinc_pm1.85 years
- SimpleRadarControls.pm1.85 years6,628
- zinc-demos1.85 years18,505
- export2cpan1.85 years5,730
- Makefile.PL1.85 years4,943
- README1.85 years4,056
- t1.85 years
- AnimatedGradient.t1.85 years3,815
- Bbox-curve-multi-contour.t1.85 years5,737
- Bbox.t1.85 years7,473
- Coords.t1.85 years5,009
- find.t1.85 years6,040
- Images.t1.85 years8,304
- Import.t1.85 years710
- Maps.t1.85 years1,825
- PreviousKnownBugs.t1.85 years1,302
- Scale_clipped_group.t1.85 years2,341
- test-methods.pl1.85 years27,750
- test-no-crash.pl1.85 years32,793
- Test1.85 years
- Builder.pm1.85 years30,692
- Harness.pm1.85 years33,430
- Harness1.85 years
- Assert.pm1.85 years915
- Iterator.pm7.36 years1,132
- Straps.pm1.85 years16,275
- More.pm1.85 years31,137
- testdoc.pl1.85 years9,294
- TestLog.pm1.85 years8,212
- Text.t1.85 years1,464
- Text2.t1.85 years4,462
- traceutils.t1.85 years2,190
- Transformations.t1.85 years9,736
- Zinc.pm1.85 years5,710
- Zinc.xs7.36 years1,232
- Zinc1.85 years
- Debug.pm1.85 years98,978
- Graphics.pm1.85 years101,118
- Graphics.pod1.85 years32,858
- Logo.pm1.85 years6,542
- Text.pm7.36 years6,025
- Trace.pm1.85 years7,235
- TraceErrors.pm1.85 years3,816
- TraceUtils.pm1.85 years2,255
- Python1.85 years
- demos1.85 years
- paper.gif7.36 years1,529
- testGraphics.py1.85 years128,412
- library1.85 years
- __init__.py7.36 years68
- geometry.py1.85 years13,503
- graphics.py1.85 years79,901
- pictorial.py1.85 years23,454
- Zinc.py1.85 years54,469
- setup.py1.85 years551
- README1.85 years8,992
- redhat1.85 years
- changelog1.85 years3,259
- perl-Tk-Zinc.spec1.85 years4,266
- rules7.36 years1,179
- sandbox1.39 years
- alledges.pl1.85 years1,088
- allgradients.pl1.85 years1,777
- allgradients.tcl1.85 years1,411
- alllineshapes.pl1.85 years977
- allreliefs.pl1.85 years1,314
- allreliefs.tcl1.85 years938
- bouton-down.xpm7.36 years19,957
- bouton.xpm7.36 years19,749
- conical.tcl1.85 years538
- contours.tcl7.36 years1,321
- Controls.pm1.85 years6,138
- controls.tcl1.85 years3,901
- defs.tcl1.39 years32,076
- fvwm.xbm7.36 years1,376
- lines.pl1.85 years895
- logo.gif7.36 years402
- smooth.tcl7.36 years889
- testarc.tcl7.36 years1,459
- testbezier.pl7.36 years4,449
- testbezier.tcl1.85 years3,250
- testbitmaps.tcl7.36 years3,602
- testicon.tcl7.36 years2,832
- testplug.pl7.36 years1,565
- testpoly.tcl1.85 years3,951
- testrect.pl7.36 years2,617
- testrelief.pl7.36 years1,667
- testrelief.tcl7.36 years1,297
- testshape.pl7.36 years4,001
- testshape.tcl7.36 years485
- testtext.tcl7.36 years4,920
- testwind.tcl7.36 years464
- testzinc.pl1.85 years15,569
- textexpand.tcl7.36 years92
- texture-bois1.xpm7.36 years67,560
- texture-paper.xpm7.36 years2,017
- trash.xbm7.36 years278
- triangles.pl1.85 years2,106
- xpenguin.png7.36 years10,148
- zinc.tcl1.85 years9,537
- zinc.test7.36 years4,005
- starkit.tcl.in7.36 years3,859
- starkit7.36 years
- demo.tcl7.36 years136
- main.tcl7.36 years748
- tclconfig1.91 years
- install-sh7.36 years13,868
- README.txt7.36 years811
- tcl.m41.91 years137,284
- tests1.85 years
- all.tcl7.36 years176
- rectangle.test1.85 years954
- tkzinc.m41.85 years4,148
- win1.84 years
- Copyright.rtf7.36 years6,911
- InstallerIcons7.36 years
- Banner.bmp7.36 years94,554
- Complete.ico7.36 years2,998
- Custom.ico7.36 years2,998
- Dialog.bmp7.36 years79,246
- Exclam.ico7.36 years766
- Info.ico7.36 years1,078
- New.ico7.36 years318
- Remove.ico7.36 years2,998
- Repair.ico7.36 years2,998
- Typical.ico7.36 years2,998
- Up.ico7.36 years318
- years3,877
- package.tcl7.36 years7,384
- Tkzinc.iss7.36 years10,055
- Tkzinc.wxs.in1.85 years129,550
- WinPort.c1.84 years24,383
- zinclib.d1.85 years
- Copyright7.36 years1,428
- doc7.36 years
- HOWTO7.36 years1,340
- html7.36 years
- annotated.html7.36 years2,128
- classes.html7.36 years1,953
- classZinc-members.html7.36 years33,680
- classZinc.html7.36 years280,262
- classZincBitmap-members.html7.36 years2,694
- classZincBitmap.html7.36 years7,025
- classZincBitmap.png7.36 years359
- classZincException-members.html7.36 years2,049
- classZincException.html7.36 years7,063
- classZincFont-members.html7.36 years1,545
- classZincFont.html7.36 years3,581
- classZincImage-members.html7.36 years2,495
- classZincImage.html7.36 years5,641
- classZincImage.png7.36 years358
- classZincItem-members.html7.36 years1,922
- classZincItem.html7.36 years6,562
- classZincItem.png7.36 years510
- classZincPath-members.html7.36 years2,997
- classZincPath.html7.36 years17,728
- doxygen.css7.36 years4,811
- doxygen.png7.36 years2,352
- files.html7.36 years2,536
- functions.html7.36 years17,219
- functions_func.html7.36 years15,204
- functions_rela.html7.36 years1,457
- functions_vars.html7.36 years2,719
- globals.html7.36 years11,676
- globals_defs.html7.36 years2,986
- globals_enum.html7.36 years2,208
- globals_eval.html7.36 years6,240
- globals_func.html7.36 years2,498
- globals_type.html7.36 years1,833
- globals_vars.html7.36 years3,135
- hierarchy.html7.36 years1,651
- index.html7.36 years1,098
- structZincEvent-members.html7.36 years2,014
- structZincEvent.html7.36 years5,130
- Zinc_8cpp.html7.36 years123,034
- Zinc_8hpp-source.html7.36 years44,193
- Zinc_8hpp.html7.36 years4,252
- ZincExtern_8hpp-source.html7.36 years3,398
- ZincExtern_8hpp.html7.36 years5,431
- ZincInternal_8hpp-source.html7.36 years8,021
- ZincInternal_8hpp.html7.36 years21,170
- ZincObjects_8cpp.html7.36 years1,458
- ZincObjects_8hpp-source.html7.36 years6,905
- ZincObjects_8hpp.html7.36 years2,449
- ZincPath_8cpp.html7.36 years3,971
- ZincPath_8hpp-source.html7.36 years5,734
- ZincPath_8hpp.html7.36 years1,657
- ZincTypes_8hpp-source.html7.36 years12,693
- ZincTypes_8hpp.html7.36 years23,413
- doxyConfig1.85 years44,126
- gen.pl1.85 years8,759
- INSTALL7.36 years1,333
- Makefile1.85 years4,081
- makefile.vc7.36 years2,506
- README1.85 years1,684
- src1.85 years
- Zinc.cpp1.85 years127,820
- Zinc.hpp1.85 years37,095
- ZincExtern.hpp1.85 years3,128
- ZincInternal.hpp1.85 years6,349
- ZincObjects.cpp1.85 years5,148
- ZincObjects.hpp1.85 years4,498
- ZincPath.cpp1.85 years11,727
- ZincPath.hpp1.85 years5,168
- ZincTypes.hpp1.85 years4,782
- test1.85 years
- itemconf.cpp1.85 years13,358
- items.cpp1.85 years6,510
- Makefile7.36 years765
- paper-grey.gif7.36 years1,540
- paper.gif7.36 years1,529
- runtests.sh1.85 years287
- test.cpp1.85 years5,324
- test.svg7.36 years2,851
- widget.cpp1.85 years6,213