Files from all 9756 check-ins within directory undroid/wits sorted by filename
File ages are expressed relative to the check-in time of 2025-02-10 17:53:06.
AndroWishLast ChangeSize
- undroid82.5 days
- wits82.5 days
- binary-license.rtf4.61 years2,306
- color.tcl8.75 years4,045
- doc4.61 years
- download.htf8.75 years841
- endcmd.htf8.75 years1,522
- eventmonitor.htf8.75 years3,251
- eventmonitor.png8.75 years24,444
- eventmonitorfilter.htf8.75 years3,774
- eventmonitorlogging.htf8.75 years1,597
- eventmonitorpreferences.htf8.75 years2,366
- eventmonitorprefs.png8.75 years16,968
- eventmonitorstart.htf8.75 years849
- favicon.ico8.75 years6,830
- features.htf8.75 years2,127
- generate_web_page.tcl8.75 years3,515
- google-ads-horizontal-link-unit.js8.75 years286
- google-ads.js8.75 years307
- hotkey.htf8.75 years772
- hotkeyprefs.png8.75 years15,595
- index.htf4.61 years1,667
- launch.htf8.75 years1,688
- license.htf8.75 years910
- listclipboard.htf8.75 years748
- listcmd.htf8.75 years956
- listcolumns.htf8.75 years2,202
- listexport.htf8.75 years594
- listfilters.htf8.75 years1,829
- listrefresh.htf8.75 years1,495
- listview.htf8.75 years1,650
- listview3-bare.png8.75 years11,653
- listview3-detail-labeled.png8.75 years49,265
- listview3-displaymode-labeled.png8.75 years164,674
- listview3-filter-edit.png8.75 years32,005
- listview3-filter.png8.75 years22,135
- listview3-layout-buttons.png8.75 years14,310
- listviewbindings.htf8.75 years1,041
- listviewhighlights.htf8.75 years1,643
- listviewlayout.htf8.75 years1,193
- listviewselection.htf8.75 years854
- listviewselection.html8.75 years1,141
- logo.png8.75 years4,218
- magicsplat.png8.75 years2,591
- mainwin.htf8.75 years1,493
- mainwindow.png8.75 years52,230
- makefile8.75 years2,932
- mycomputer+viewmag.png8.75 years4,986
- mycomputer+viewmag.xcf8.75 years6,460
- mycomputer+viewmag16.png8.75 years970
- nativetools.htf8.75 years2,489
- navigation.htf8.75 years543
- navigation.png8.75 years67,745
- objecttypes.htf8.75 years1,231
- pageview.htf8.75 years1,572
- preferences.htf8.75 years1,069
- preferences.png8.75 years15,002
- processpage.png8.75 years20,417
- README4.61 years1,278
- screenshot.htf8.75 years107
- screenshot.png8.75 years138,957
- showcmd.htf8.75 years2,671
- sourcecode.htf8.75 years731
- styles.css8.75 years2,507
- support.htf8.75 years454
- systray-icon.png8.75 years1,447
- systray.htf8.75 years643
- tableeditor.png8.75 years13,211
- testimonials.htf8.75 years831
- usercmd.htf8.75 years2,371
- usercmd.png8.75 years7,322
- versionhistory.htf4.61 years3,572
- excludepatterns8.75 years41
- imagedata.tcl8.75 years186,670
- images.tcl8.75 years20,002
- images8.75 years
- famfamsilk8.75 years
- 16x168.75 years
- application-side-boxes.png8.75 years952
- font-add.png8.75 years1,168
- font-delete.png8.75 years1,166
- icons8.75 years
- 48x488.75 years
- witslogo.png8.75 years4,446
- copyright.txt8.75 years153
- icon5.png8.75 years58,991
- icon7.png8.75 years53,373
- wits-setup.ico8.75 years76,388
- wits.ico8.75 years75,766
- witsinstallbanner.bmp8.75 years85,894
- witsinstalldialog.bmp8.75 years461,814
- nuvola8.75 years
- 16x168.75 years
- 3floppy_unmount+label.png8.75 years760
- 3floppy_unmount.png8.75 years893
- ark.png8.75 years1,078
- bug.png8.75 years991
- cancel.png8.75 years1,133
- chat.png8.75 years1,121
- configure.png8.75 years980
- editcopy.png8.75 years730
- encrypted.png8.75 years1,002
- exit.png8.75 years995
- fileclose.png8.75 years964
- filesave.png8.75 years898
- frameprint.png8.75 years777
- hdd_unmount+filter.png8.75 years705
- hdd_unmount.png8.75 years819
- help.png8.75 years1,187
- kcmkwm-deiconify.png8.75 years665
- kcmkwm-delete.png8.75 years581
- kcmkwm-iconify.png8.75 years667
- kcmkwm-statusbar.png8.75 years669
- kcmkwm-toolbar.png8.75 years719
- kcmkwm.png8.75 years711
- kcmscsi.png8.75 years961
- kcmsystem+filter.png8.75 years824
- kcmsystem.png8.75 years937
- kdisknav.png8.75 years968
- kgpg_term.png8.75 years897
- khotkeys.png8.75 years898
- kjots.png8.75 years1,024
- konsole.png8.75 years960
- ktip.png8.75 years925
- kuser+add.png8.75 years777
- kuser+delete.png8.75 years755
- kuser+filter.png8.75 years934
- kuser.png8.75 years1,173
- messagebox_info.png8.75 years978
- messagebox_warning.png8.75 years937
- misc+filter.png8.75 years889
- misc-terminate.png8.75 years952
- misc.png8.75 years1,041
- mozilla-thunderbird.png8.75 years912
- mycomputer+lock.png8.75 years910
- mycomputer+viewmag.png8.75 years972
- mycomputer.png8.75 years1,028
- password.png8.75 years949
- personal+add.png8.75 years815
- personal+delete.png8.75 years786
- personal+disable.png8.75 years820
- personal+enable.png8.75 years901
- personal+filter.png8.75 years880
- personal.png8.75 years1,130
- printer+filter.png8.75 years832
- printer.png8.75 years1,057
- printerjob+cancel.png8.75 years911
- signature.png8.75 years790
- view_left_right.png8.75 years822
- view_text+configure.png8.75 years863
- view_text.png8.75 years895
- viewmag.png8.75 years813
- window_list.png8.75 years915
- 32x328.75 years
- mycomputer+viewmag.png8.75 years2,666
- mycomputer.png8.75 years2,726
- viewmag.png8.75 years2,167
- 48x488.75 years
- exit-green.png8.75 years3,001
- exit-orange.png8.75 years3,315
- exit-yellow.png8.75 years3,218
- exit.png8.75 years4,269
- hdd_unmount.png8.75 years2,283
- kgpg_identity.png8.75 years5,593
- mycomputer+viewmag.png8.75 years5,093
- mycomputer.png8.75 years4,814
- network.png8.75 years4,733
- printer.png8.75 years4,006
- viewmag.png8.75 years3,885
- license.txt8.75 years26,430
- readme.txt8.75 years2,507
- wits.ico8.75 years25,214
- oxygen8.75 years
- 16x168.75 years
- go-first-view.png8.75 years1,223
- go-last-view.png8.75 years1,210
- go-next-view.png8.75 years993
- go-previous-view.png8.75 years995
- view-filter+disable.png8.75 years646
- view-filter+enable.png8.75 years658
- view-filter.png8.75 years854
- 48x488.75 years
- services.png8.75 years2,380
- vistaico8.75 years
- AeroPack8.75 years
- license.pdf8.75 years58,003
- My-Computer.png8.75 years36,736
- My-PC.png8.75 years46,647
- readme.txt8.75 years758
- wits8.75 years
- 16x168.75 years
- fontenlarge.png8.75 years333
- fontreduce.png8.75 years343
- localshare+add.png8.75 years360
- localshare+delete.png8.75 years351
- localshare+filter.png8.75 years377
- localshare.png8.75 years335
- netif+filter.png8.75 years509
- netif-disable.png8.75 years499
- netif-enable.png8.75 years519
- netif.png8.75 years478
- network+delete.png8.75 years511
- network+filter.png8.75 years561
- network.png8.75 years647
- overlay-add.png8.75 years219
- overlay-delete.png8.75 years199
- overlay-filter.png8.75 years360
- overlay-lock.png8.75 years367
- remoteshare+add.png8.75 years382
- remoteshare+delete.png8.75 years362
- remoteshare+filter.png8.75 years391
- remoteshare.png8.75 years337
- route.png8.75 years503
- vcrpause.png8.75 years236
- vcrstart.png8.75 years223
- vcrstop.png8.75 years286
- winlogo.png8.75 years719
- witscloseall.png8.75 years289
- witsiconifyall.png8.75 years271
- witsopenall.png8.75 years271
- makefile4.61 years7,371
- nuvola.zip8.75 years140,674
- prefs.tcl8.75 years4,695
- propertyrecords.tcl8.75 years27,195
- README.md4.54 years179
- README.txt4.54 years-
- util.tcl1.14 years52,804
- VERSION8.75 years6
- widgets.tcl82.5 days265,093
- wits.wxs4.61 years10,641
- witsaccount.tcl8.75 years2,769
- witscpu.tcl8.75 years9,402
- witsdrive.tcl8.75 years12,932
- witsdriver.tcl8.75 years6,663
- witsevents.tcl8.75 years74,474
- witsfile.tcl8.75 years480
- witsgroup.tcl8.75 years8,917
- witsinit.tcl82.5 days3,994
- witsinstallui.wxs8.75 years7,854
- witslocalshare.tcl8.75 years7,498
- witslogonsession.tcl8.75 years7,388
- witsmain.tcl4.61 years75,570
- witsmodule.tcl8.75 years6,571
- witsnetconn.tcl8.75 years9,684
- witsnetif.tcl8.75 years17,237
- witsprocess.tcl8.75 years27,163
- witsremoteshare.tcl8.75 years12,083
- witsservice.tcl4.61 years23,466
- witssystem.tcl8.75 years19,671
- witstips.tcl8.75 years8,898
- witsupdate.tcl4.61 years12,472
- witsuser.tcl8.75 years19,650
- witsusercmd.tcl8.75 years13,100
- witsversion.tcl4.61 years197
- witswineventlog.tcl8.75 years16,433