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Ticket Hash: 1b1f5d628c353fb427bd6f8dcea52ce8c298d986
Title: APK built with bones does not work as expected
Status: Review Type: Incident
Severity: Important Priority: Medium
Subsystem: Resolution: Open
Last Modified: 2020-03-21 09:10:09
Version Found In: AWSDK-6e2085e6e4
User Comments:
anonymous added on 2020-03-21 00:33:59: (text/x-markdown)
Hi. I have a problem when I build APK with AndroWish. For example, I put the tkchat1.489 floder to /assets/app and use bones to build APK step by step follow the AW-booklet.pdf. But I only get the AndroWishApp-release.apk. It is not just the name is AndroWishApp. The APK installed on my phone is just the same as AndroWish-6e2085e6e4-debug.apk. I checked the APK. The content in the APK is not as the tkchat1.489.apk. So I want to know how Androwish works and how to build a APK i.e. tkchat1.489.apk.

chw added on 2020-03-21 09:08:16: (text/x-fossil-plain)
Not exactly clear to me what you're doing. Do you have an
.../assets/app/main.tcl which starts up the tkchat application?
If not, the usual AndroWish startup opens up a Tk console window
and your APK behaves identical to a normal AndroWish APK.