Files in the latest check-in sorted by filename
File ages are expressed relative to the check-in time of 2024-11-23 05:41:26.
AndroWishLast ChangeSize
- jni10.9 days
- ZBar10.9 days
- Android.mk8.40 years1,411
- android8.40 years
- AndroidManifest.xml9.27 years628
- ant.properties9.27 years696
- build-ndk.xml9.27 years2,816
- build.xml9.27 years3,494
- ChangeLog9.27 years58
- examples9.27 years
- CameraTest9.27 years
- AndroidManifest.xml9.27 years876
- ant.properties9.27 years696
- build.xml9.27 years3,359
- proguard.cfg9.27 years1,248
- project.properties9.27 years361
- res9.27 years
- layout9.27 years
- main.xml9.27 years770
- values9.27 years
- strings.xml9.27 years117
- src9.27 years
- net9.27 years
- sourceforge9.27 years
- zbar9.27 years
- android9.27 years
- CameraTest9.27 years
- CameraPreview.java9.27 years3,550
- CameraTestActivity.java9.27 years4,677
- jni8.40 years
- Android.mk9.27 years1,757
- Application.mk9.27 years35
- config.h8.40 years6,867
- proguard.cfg9.27 years1,248
- project.properties9.27 years381
- README9.27 years3,634
- res9.27 years
- layout9.27 years
- main.xml9.27 years402
- values9.27 years
- strings.xml9.27 years121
- ChangeLog9.27 years29,465
- config9.27 years
- config.rpath9.27 years18,343
- configure.ac9.08 years21,329
- COPYING9.27 years1,279
- doc9.27 years
- api9.27 years
- footer.html9.27 years772
- doxygen.conf.in9.27 years807
- years1,478
- manual.xml9.27 years1,221
- ref9.27 years
- commonoptions.xml9.27 years6,652
- zbarcam.xml9.27 years7,184
- zbarimg.xml9.27 years8,327
- style.xsl9.27 years300
- examples9.27 years
- barcode.png9.27 years1,182
- processor.c9.27 years1,304
- processor.cpp9.27 years1,036
- scan_image.c9.27 years3,388
- scan_image.cpp9.27 years1,421
- scan_image.vcproj9.27 years1,330
- upcrpc.pl9.27 years1,015
- upcrpc.py9.27 years1,178
- gtk9.27 years
- years760
- zbargtk.c9.27 years24,851
- zbargtkprivate.h9.27 years3,366
- zbarmarshal.list9.27 years16
- HACKING9.27 years1,299
- icu4c9.27 years
- dl_icu.c9.27 years4,637
- unicode10.23 years
- localpointer.h10.23 years9,351
- platform.h10.23 years25,063
- ptypes.h10.23 years3,441
- ucnv.h10.23 years84,822
- ucnv_err.h10.23 years21,375
- uconfig.h10.23 years11,324
- uenum.h10.23 years7,947
- umachine.h10.23 years10,472
- urename.h10.23 years122,268
- utf.h10.23 years7,822
- utf8.h10.23 years28,300
- utf16.h10.23 years19,077
- utf_old.h10.23 years43,518
- utypes.h10.23 years31,602
- uvernum.h10.23 years5,863
- uversion.h10.23 years6,445
- include9.27 years
- years459
- zbar.h9.27 years53,763
- zbar9.27 years
- Decoder.h9.27 years5,680
- Exception.h9.27 years4,624
- Image.h9.27 years8,853
- ImageScanner.h9.27 years3,755
- Processor.h9.27 years6,971
- QZBar.h9.27 years5,016
- QZBarImage.h9.27 years2,159
- Scanner.h9.27 years4,197
- Symbol.h9.27 years12,766
- Video.h9.27 years4,445
- Window.h9.27 years3,741
- zbargtk.h9.27 years6,445
- INSTALL9.27 years7,831
- iphone9.27 years
- bin9.27 years
- BuildUniversal.sh9.27 years902
- CreateDMG.sh9.27 years1,165
- CreateDSStore.pl9.27 years2,827
- Mac9.27 years
- Finder9.27 years
- AliasRecord.pm9.27 years4,235
- ChangeLog9.27 years5,245
- debug.h9.27 years1,728
- doc9.27 years
- apiref.rst9.27 years270
- camera.rst9.27 years4,881
- compat.rst9.27 years7,708
- conf.py9.27 years1,812
- custom.rst9.27 years2,789
- devguide.rst9.27 years167
- Documentation.html9.27 years432
- faq.rst9.27 years3,635
- getstarted.rst9.27 years149
- index.rst9.27 years436
- install.rst9.27 years4,982
- licensing.rst9.27 years8,416
- optimizing.rst9.27 years19,391
- picker.rst9.27 years4,116
- ReaderSample.png9.27 years131,381
- static9.27 years
- style.css9.27 years506
- support.rst9.27 years730
- tutorial.rst9.27 years7,402
- ZBarImage.rst9.27 years5,248
- ZBarImageScanner.rst9.27 years3,411
- ZBarReaderController.rst9.27 years5,413
- ZBarReaderDelegate.rst9.27 years3,091
- ZBarReaderView.rst9.27 years3,910
- ZBarReaderViewController.rst9.27 years6,525
- ZBarReaderViewDelegate.rst9.27 years983
- ZBarSymbol.rst9.27 years4,092
- ZBarSymbolSet.rst9.27 years1,146
- examples9.27 years
- EmbedReader9.27 years
- Default-568h@2x.png9.27 years323
- EmbedReader.xcodeproj9.27 years
- project.pbxproj9.27 years22,707
- xcshareddata9.27 years
- xcschemes9.27 years
- EmbedReader.xcscheme9.27 years2,747
- EmbedReader9.27 years
- EmbedReader-Info.plist9.27 years1,255
- EmbedReader-Prefix.pch9.27 years241
- EmbedReaderAppDelegate.h9.27 years377
- EmbedReaderAppDelegate.m9.27 years722
- EmbedReaderViewController.h9.27 years444
- EmbedReaderViewController.m9.27 years2,398
- en.lproj9.27 years
- EmbedReaderViewController.xib9.27 years14,424
- InfoPlist.strings9.27 years45
- MainWindow.xib9.27 years20,041
- main.m9.27 years293
- ReaderSample9.27 years
- Default-568h@2x.png9.27 years323
- ReaderSample.xcodeproj9.27 years
- project.pbxproj9.27 years22,836
- xcshareddata9.27 years
- xcschemes9.27 years
- ReaderSample.xcscheme9.27 years2,756
- ReaderSample9.27 years
- en.lproj9.27 years
- InfoPlist.strings9.27 years45
- MainWindow.xib9.27 years20,053
- ReaderSampleViewController.xib9.27 years13,666
- main.m9.27 years295
- ReaderSample-Info.plist9.27 years1,190
- ReaderSample-Prefix.pch9.27 years393
- ReaderSampleAppDelegate.h9.27 years375
- ReaderSampleAppDelegate.m9.27 years2,266
- ReaderSampleViewController.h9.27 years463
- ReaderSampleViewController.m9.27 years1,874
- readertest9.27 years
- Default-568h@2x.png9.27 years323
- entitlements.plist9.27 years225
- prefix.pch9.27 years326
- readertest.m9.27 years29,085
- readertest.plist9.27 years841
- readertest.xcodeproj9.27 years
- project.pbxproj9.27 years18,485
- xcshareddata9.27 years
- xcschemes9.27 years
- readertest.xcscheme9.27 years2,738
- TabReader9.27 years
- Default-568h@2x.png9.27 years323
- TabReader.xcodeproj9.27 years
- project.pbxproj9.27 years22,824
- xcshareddata9.27 years
- xcschemes9.27 years
- TabReader.xcscheme9.27 years2,887
- TabReader9.27 years
- en.lproj9.27 years
- InfoPlist.strings9.27 years45
- MainWindow.xib9.27 years17,979
- ResultsView.xib9.27 years13,117
- main.m9.27 years291
- ResultsViewController.h9.27 years304
- ResultsViewController.m9.27 years305
- TabReader-Info.plist9.27 years1,195
- TabReader-Prefix.pch9.27 years339
- TabReaderAppDelegate.h9.27 years391
- TabReaderAppDelegate.m9.27 years1,614
- include9.27 years
- config.h9.27 years6,658
- prefix.pch9.27 years305
- ZBarSDK9.27 years
- ZBarCameraSimulator.h9.27 years1,642
- ZBarCaptureReader.h9.27 years3,744
- ZBarHelpController.h9.27 years1,970
- ZBarImage.h9.27 years2,309
- ZBarImageScanner.h9.27 years1,707
- ZBarReaderController.h9.27 years5,211
- ZBarReaderView.h9.27 years4,744
- ZBarReaderViewController.h9.27 years5,623
- ZBarSDK.h9.27 years1,365
- ZBarSymbol.h9.27 years2,391
- README9.27 years2,166
- res9.27 years
- buttondown.svg9.27 years1,724
- buttonmask.svg9.27 years759
- buttonup.svg9.27 years1,765
- Columns.DS_Store9.27 years8,196
- lightbulb.svg9.27 years2,811
- shakyhand.svg9.27 years3,650
- shakyphone.svg9.27 years1,654
- stopwatch.svg9.27 years3,270
- zbar-back.png9.27 years319
- zbar-back.svg9.27 years870
- zbar-help.html9.27 years3,443
- zbar-helpicons.png9.27 years18,350
- zbar-samples.png9.27 years1,181
- ZBarSDK-bg.png9.27 years23,551
- ZBarSDK-bg.svg9.27 years2,985
- ZBarSDK-Info.plist9.27 years498
- ZBarSDK.DS_Store9.27 years8,196
- zbar.xcodeproj9.27 years
- project.pbxproj9.27 years64,123
- xcshareddata9.27 years
- xcschemes9.27 years
- libzbar.xcscheme9.27 years1,952
- readertest.xcscheme9.27 years2,939
- ZBarSDK.dmg.xcscheme9.27 years2,122
- ZBarSDK.xcscheme9.27 years2,077
- ZBarCameraSimulator.m9.27 years3,635
- ZBarCaptureReader.m9.27 years10,509
- ZBarCVImage.h9.27 years1,528
- ZBarCVImage.m9.27 years5,991
- ZBarHelpController.m9.27 years7,926
- ZBarImage.m9.27 years7,894
- ZBarImageScanner.m9.27 years2,292
- ZBarReaderController.m9.27 years21,928
- ZBarReaderView.m9.27 years17,501
- ZBarReaderViewController.m9.27 years20,960
- ZBarReaderViewImpl_Capture.m9.27 years10,950
- ZBarReaderViewImpl_Simulator.m9.27 years5,845
- ZBarSymbol.m9.27 years4,587
- java9.27 years
- Makefile.am9.27 years1,444
- net9.27 years
- sourceforge9.27 years
- zbar9.27 years
- Config.java9.27 years2,100
- Image.java9.27 years4,443
- ImageScanner.java9.27 years3,084
- Modifier.java9.27 years1,524
- Orientation.java9.27 years1,605
- Symbol.java9.27 years5,864
- SymbolIterator.java9.27 years2,230
- SymbolSet.java9.27 years2,488
- test9.27 years
- TestImage.java9.27 years4,463
- TestImageScanner.java9.27 years1,029
- TestScanImage.java9.27 years4,843
- zbarjni.c9.27 years21,443
- LICENSE9.27 years26,434
- Makefile.am9.27 years2,759
- NEWS9.27 years3,738
- perl9.27 years
- Changes9.27 years607
- COPYING.LIB10.36 years26,436
- examples9.27 years
- paginate.pl9.27 years2,418
- processor.pl9.27 years772
- read_one.pl9.27 years636
- scan_image.pl9.27 years846
- inc9.27 years
- Devel9.27 years
- CheckLib.pm9.27 years10,605
- Makefile.PL9.27 years670
- MANIFEST9.27 years358
- ppport.h9.27 years118,192
- README9.27 years934
- t9.27 years
- barcode.png9.27 years1,182
- Decoder.t9.27 years2,687
- Image.t9.27 years4,615
- pod-coverage.t9.27 years322
- pod.t9.27 years300
- Processor.t9.27 years2,808
- Scanner.t9.27 years536
- ZBar.t9.27 years1,913
- typemap9.27 years1,499
- ZBar.pm9.27 years4,411
- ZBar.xs9.27 years24,072
- ZBar9.27 years
- Image.pod9.27 years3,600
- ImageScanner.pod9.27 years2,769
- Processor.pod9.27 years4,211
- Symbol.pod9.27 years3,769
- plugin9.27 years
- years230
- plugin.c9.27 years1,103
- pygtk9.27 years
- years1,004
- zbarpygtk.override9.27 years331
- zbarpygtkmodule.c9.27 years1,640
- python9.27 years
- decoder.c9.27 years10,048
- enum.c9.27 years5,983
- examples9.27 years
- processor.py9.27 years729
- read_one.py9.27 years581
- scan_image.py9.27 years585
- exception.c9.27 years4,237
- image.c9.27 years12,625
- imagescanner.c9.27 years6,002
- years661
- MANIFEST.in9.27 years91
- processor.c9.27 years12,448
- README9.27 years1,813
- scanner.c9.27 years5,264
- setup.py9.27 years1,392
- symbol.c9.27 years6,156
- symboliter.c9.27 years3,308
- symbolset.c9.27 years2,724
- test9.27 years
- barcode.png9.27 years1,182
- test_zbar.py9.27 years18,005
- zbarmodule.c9.27 years8,409
- zbarmodule.h9.27 years4,504
- qt9.27 years
- years629
- QZBar.cpp9.27 years6,409
- QZBarThread.cpp9.27 years5,971
- QZBarThread.h9.27 years3,990
- README9.27 years3,488
- README.windows9.27 years4,165
- tcl10.9 days
- aclocal.m410.36 years147
- configure1.63 years287,243
- configure.in8.40 years7,701
- doc7.85 years
- zbar.n7.85 years9,142
- Makefile.in7.26 years13,469
- tclconfig1.69 years
- install-sh10.36 years13,868
- README.txt10.36 years811
- tcl.m41.69 years137,284
- tclzbar.c10.9 days39,439
- win13.9 days
- config.h13.9 days6,870
- makefile.vc13.9 days3,058
- README13.9 days85
- rules-ext.vc13.9 days3,823
- test9.27 years
- barcodetest.py9.27 years11,751
- dbg_scan.cpp9.27 years8,802
- years2,914
- pdf417_encode.h9.27 years50,318
- scan_video.c9.27 years3,013
- test_convert.c9.27 years1,781
- test_cpp.cpp9.27 years1,539
- test_cpp_img.cpp9.27 years6,103
- test_decode.c9.27 years36,699
- test_gtk.c9.27 years8,884
- test_images.c9.27 years14,360
- test_images.h9.27 years1,508
- test_jpeg.c9.27 years5,526
- test_perl.pl9.27 years1,438
- test_proc.c9.27 years4,912
- test_pygtk.py9.27 years6,815
- test_qt.cpp9.27 years5,174
- test_video.c9.27 years5,338
- test_window.c9.27 years2,926
- TODO9.27 years2,048
- zbar-gtk.pc.in9.27 years295
- zbar-qt.pc.in9.27 years295
- zbar.ico9.27 years6,318
- zbar.nsi9.27 years9,852
- zbar.pc.in9.27 years239
- zbar.spec.in9.27 years6,831
- zbar4.35 years
- config.c9.27 years5,392
- convert.c6.46 years40,188
- debug.h9.27 years3,044
- decoder.c6.46 years14,224
- decoder.h9.27 years9,064
- decoder6.48 years
- codabar.c9.27 years12,304
- codabar.h9.27 years1,979
- code39.c9.27 years10,414
- code39.h9.27 years1,919
- code93.c9.27 years10,891
- code93.h9.27 years1,895
- code128.c9.27 years20,407
- code128.h9.27 years1,990
- databar.c9.27 years34,810
- databar.h9.27 years2,947
- ean.c6.48 years25,700
- ean.h9.27 years3,278
- i25.c9.27 years7,760
- i25.h9.27 years1,980
- pdf417.c9.27 years6,937
- pdf417.h9.27 years1,854
- pdf417_hash.h9.27 years30,470
- qr_finder.c9.27 years3,275
- qr_finder.h9.27 years518
- error.c6.46 years5,856
- error.h9.27 years6,978
- event.h9.27 years1,750
- image.c6.48 years9,019
- image.h9.27 years4,632
- img_scanner.c6.48 years27,236
- img_scanner.h9.27 years1,668
- jpeg.c9.27 years7,113
- libzbar.rc9.27 years1,048
- years3,427
- mutex.h9.27 years3,686
- processor.c9.27 years19,887
- processor.h9.27 years4,830
- processor9.27 years
- lock.c9.27 years7,031
- null.c9.27 years2,078
- posix.c9.27 years9,345
- posix.h9.27 years4,344
- win.c9.27 years9,618
- x.c9.27 years8,345
- qrcode.h9.27 years2,591
- qrcode4.35 years
- bch15_5.c6.48 years5,058
- bch15_5.h9.27 years864
- binarize.c6.48 years19,590
- binarize.h9.27 years653
- isaac.c6.48 years3,923
- isaac.h9.27 years1,096
- qrdec.c4.35 years138,105
- qrdec.h6.48 years5,447
- qrdectxt.c6.48 years19,854
- rs.c4.35 years26,500
- rs.h4.35 years2,705
- util.c6.48 years3,444
- util.h6.48 years2,248
- refcnt.c9.27 years1,468
- refcnt.h9.27 years2,425
- scanner.c6.46 years10,133
- svg.c9.27 years5,916
- svg.h9.27 years2,104
- symbol.c9.27 years11,355
- symbol.h9.27 years3,550
- thread.h9.27 years3,023
- timer.h8.40 years4,028
- video.c9.08 years11,219
- video.h9.08 years5,233
- video9.08 years
- null.c9.27 years1,457
- v4l.c9.08 years2,235
- v4l1.c9.27 years13,956
- v4l2.c9.08 years20,214
- vfw.c9.27 years15,102
- window.c9.27 years10,158
- window.h9.27 years4,847
- window9.27 years
- dib.c9.27 years2,358
- null.c9.27 years2,956
- vfw.c9.27 years3,018
- win.c9.27 years9,199
- win.h9.27 years1,504
- x.c9.27 years10,449
- x.h9.27 years2,410
- ximage.c9.27 years7,153
- xv.c9.27 years9,503
- zbarcam9.27 years
- years297
- zbarcam.c9.27 years9,656
- zbarcam.rc9.27 years916
- zbarimg9.27 years
- years658
- zbarimg.c9.27 years13,651
- zbarimg.rc9.27 years914