Files in the latest check-in for branch trunk and within directory assets/tcllib1.21 sorted by filename
File ages are expressed relative to the check-in time of 2024-11-23 05:41:26.
AndroWishLast ChangeSize
- assets3.1 days
- tcllib1.213.1 days
- 0compatibility66.5 days
- pkgIndex.tcl66.5 days289
- aes1.02 years
- aes.tcl1.02 years21,800
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years66
- amazon-s370.3 days
- pkgIndex.tcl70.3 days236
- S3.tcl70.3 days66,297
- xsxp.tcl1.02 years8,058
- asn1.02 years
- asn.tcl1.02 years53,470
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years105
- base321.02 years
- base32.tcl1.02 years3,977
- base32_tcl.tcl10.36 years1,701
- base32core.tcl1.02 years3,587
- base32hex.tcl1.02 years4,078
- base32hex_tcl.tcl10.36 years1,945
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years235
- base6470.3 days
- ascii85.tcl70.3 days8,007
- base64.tcl70.3 days12,100
- pkgIndex.tcl70.3 days300
- uuencode.tcl70.3 days11,230
- yencode.tcl70.3 days9,607
- bee70.3 days
- bee.tcl70.3 days24,411
- pkgIndex.tcl70.3 days103
- bench70.3 days
- bench.tcl70.3 days13,325
- bench_read.tcl1.02 years3,914
- bench_wcsv.tcl1.02 years2,409
- bench_wtext.tcl1.02 years3,667
- libbench.tcl1.02 years15,331
- pkgIndex.tcl70.3 days340
- bibtex1.02 years
- bibtex.tcl1.02 years13,053
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years70
- bin1.02 years
- dtplite6.75 years837
- mkdoc2.55 years3,190
- nns6.75 years7,234
- nnsd6.75 years3,373
- nnslog6.75 years4,485
- page1.02 years19,404
- pt6.75 years4,168
- tcldocstrip6.75 years13,695
- blowfish1.02 years
- blowfish.tcl1.02 years27,893
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years76
- cache1.02 years
- async.tcl1.02 years5,111
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years78
- clay70.3 days
- clay.tcl70.3 days63,458
- pkgIndex.tcl70.3 days69
- clock1.02 years
- iso8601.tcl1.02 years8,480
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years158
- rfc2822.tcl1.02 years6,667
- cmdline1.02 years
- cmdline.tcl1.02 years31,036
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years74
- comm70.3 days
- comm.tcl70.3 days49,686
- pkgIndex.tcl70.3 days68
- control1.02 years
- ascaller.tcl1.02 years2,381
- assert.tcl1.02 years2,102
- control.tcl1.02 years637
- do.tcl1.02 years2,018
- no-op.tcl1.02 years208
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years74
- tclIndex10.36 years1,174
- coroutine70.9 days
- coro_auto.tcl70.9 days10,354
- coroutine.tcl70.9 days13,632
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years164
- counter70.3 days
- counter.tcl70.3 days35,126
- pkgIndex.tcl70.3 days74
- crc1.02 years
- cksum.tcl1.02 years8,125
- crc16.tcl1.02 years21,842
- crc32.tcl1.02 years14,580
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years278
- sum.tcl1.02 years9,383
- cron70.3 days
- cron.tcl70.3 days16,992
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years66
- csv1.02 years
- csv.tcl1.02 years20,081
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years65
- debug1.02 years
- caller.tcl1.02 years2,549
- debug.tcl1.02 years8,437
- heartbeat.tcl1.02 years1,517
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years333
- timestamp.tcl1.02 years1,063
- defer1.02 years
- defer.tcl1.02 years3,545
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years68
- des1.02 years
- des.tcl1.02 years7,984
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years208
- tcldes.tcl1.02 years46,512
- tcldesjr.tcl1.02 years44,838
- dicttool65.0 days
- dicttool.tcl1.02 years4,550
- pkgIndex.tcl65.0 days74
- dns70.3 days
- dns.tcl70.3 days47,853
- ip.tcl70.3 days15,157
- ipMore.tcl70.3 days28,368
- ipMoreC.tcl3.73 years7,431
- msgs3.59 years
- en.msg3.59 years340
- pkgIndex.tcl70.3 days296
- resolv.tcl1.02 years7,786
- spf.tcl1.02 years15,465
- docstrip70.3 days
- docstrip.tcl1.02 years5,198
- docstrip_util.tcl70.3 days21,589
- pkgIndex.tcl70.3 days610
- doctools70.3 days
- api.tcl10.36 years1,321
- api_idx.tcl10.36 years981
- api_toc.tcl10.36 years994
- changelog.tcl1.02 years6,918
- checker.tcl318.6 days19,577
- checker_idx.tcl10.36 years6,355
- checker_toc.tcl5.60 years6,696
- cvs.tcl1.02 years3,143
- docidx.tcl70.3 days25,842
- doctoc.tcl70.3 days26,027
- doctools.tcl70.3 days37,170
- mpformats318.6 days
- _common.tcl5.60 years8,194
- _html.tcl5.60 years7,183
- _idx_common.tcl10.36 years1,020
- _markdown.tcl5.60 years4,911
- _nroff.tcl5.60 years5,870
- _text.tcl5.60 years4,329
- _text_bullets.tcl5.60 years1,057
- _text_ccore.tcl5.60 years4,250
- _text_cstack.tcl5.60 years753
- _text_dlist.tcl5.60 years7,546
- _text_margin.tcl5.60 years544
- _text_para.tcl5.60 years1,802
- _text_state.tcl5.60 years647
- _text_utils.tcl5.60 years1,816
- _toc_common.tcl10.36 years1,020
- _xml.tcl5.60 years6,047
- _xref.tcl5.60 years2,939
- c.msg6.81 years3,407
- de.msg10.36 years4,058
- en.msg6.81 years3,423
- fmt.desc318.6 days1,403
- fmt.html318.6 days16,840
- fmt.latex318.6 days11,094
- fmt.list10.36 years1,712
- fmt.markdown318.6 days14,149
- fmt.nroff318.6 days8,061
- fmt.null10.36 years1,076
- fmt.text318.6 days13,374
- fmt.tmml318.6 days7,743
- fmt.wiki318.6 days8,592
- fr.msg10.36 years2,879
- idx.html1.02 years7,347
- idx.markdown5.60 years4,764
- idx.nroff5.60 years2,586
- idx.null10.36 years619
- idx.text5.60 years1,880
- idx.wiki1.02 years2,150
- man.macros10.36 years5,810
- toc.html1.04 years5,381
- toc.markdown5.60 years1,594
- toc.nroff5.60 years1,989
- toc.null10.36 years632
- toc.text5.60 years2,462
- toc.tmml5.60 years1,214
- toc.wiki1.02 years2,214
- pkgIndex.tcl70.3 days427
- doctools2base70.0 days
- config.tcl1.02 years1,906
- html.tcl1.02 years5,554
- html_cssdefaults.tcl1.02 years2,999
- msgcat.tcl1.02 years1,625
- nroff_manmacros.tcl1.02 years5,506
- paths.tcl1.02 years1,534
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years941
- tcl_parse.tcl70.0 days21,939
- text.tcl1.02 years4,697
- doctools2idx1.02 years
- container.tcl1.02 years10,708
- export.tcl1.02 years3,154
- export_docidx.tcl1.02 years5,612
- export_html.tcl1.02 years10,498
- export_json.tcl1.02 years5,838
- export_nroff.tcl1.02 years4,822
- export_text.tcl1.02 years3,633
- export_wiki.tcl1.02 years4,183
- import.tcl1.02 years5,175
- import_docidx.tcl1.02 years2,736
- import_json.tcl1.02 years2,395
- msgcat_c.tcl1.02 years1,704
- msgcat_de.tcl1.02 years1,882
- msgcat_en.tcl1.02 years1,705
- msgcat_fr.tcl1.02 years1,814
- parse.tcl1.02 years26,155
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years2,033
- structure.tcl1.02 years8,405
- doctools2toc1.02 years
- container.tcl1.02 years13,296
- export.tcl1.02 years3,152
- export_doctoc.tcl1.02 years5,829
- export_html.tcl1.02 years8,175
- export_json.tcl1.02 years6,008
- export_nroff.tcl1.02 years4,836
- export_text.tcl1.02 years3,619
- export_wiki.tcl1.02 years3,801
- import.tcl1.02 years5,173
- import_doctoc.tcl1.02 years2,738
- import_json.tcl1.02 years2,369
- msgcat_c.tcl1.02 years1,817
- msgcat_de.tcl1.02 years2,015
- msgcat_en.tcl1.02 years1,818
- msgcat_fr.tcl1.02 years1,927
- parse.tcl1.02 years26,543
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years2,031
- structure.tcl1.02 years10,632
- dtplite1.02 years
- dtplite.tcl1.04 years50,071
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years74
- fileutil70.3 days
- decode.tcl70.3 days3,894
- fileutil.tcl70.3 days57,883
- multi.tcl1.02 years674
- multiop.tcl70.3 days16,428
- paths.tcl1.02 years1,512
- pkgIndex.tcl70.3 days519
- traverse.tcl1.02 years11,015
- ftp1.02 years
- ftp.tcl1.02 years86,673
- ftp_geturl.tcl1.02 years3,874
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years157
- ftpd70.3 days
- ftpd.tcl70.3 days59,918
- pkgIndex.tcl70.3 days68
- fumagic70.3 days
- cfront.tcl70.3 days24,741
- cgen.tcl1.02 years17,755
- filetypes.tcl1.02 years1,320,158
- pkgIndex.tcl70.3 days402
- rtcore.tcl1.02 years24,377
- generator70.3 days
- generator.tcl70.3 days10,636
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years153
- gpx1.02 years
- gpx.tcl1.02 years10,621
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years64
- grammar_aycock1.02 years
- aycock-build.tcl1.02 years19,132
- aycock-debug.tcl1.02 years4,415
- aycock-runtime.tcl1.02 years12,644
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years291
- grammar_fa1.02 years
- dacceptor.tcl1.02 years4,606
- dexec.tcl1.02 years4,835
- fa.tcl1.02 years32,398
- faop.tcl1.02 years42,430
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years348
- grammar_me70.3 days
- gasm.tcl1.02 years4,666
- me_cpu.tcl1.02 years2,911
- me_cpucore.tcl70.3 days29,195
- me_tcl.tcl1.02 years10,975
- me_util.tcl70.3 days4,688
- pkgIndex.tcl70.3 days433
- grammar_peg1.02 years
- peg.tcl1.02 years12,981
- peg_interp.tcl1.02 years9,529
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years173
- hook1.02 years
- hook.tcl1.02 years10,609
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years66
- html1.02 years
- html.tcl1.02 years41,511
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years66
- htmlparse1.02 years
- htmlparse.tcl1.02 years60,579
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years78
- http353.9 days
- autoproxy.tcl353.9 days20,534
- pkgIndex.tcl353.9 days78
- httpd1.02 years
- httpd.tcl1.02 years59,704
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years72
- httpwget318.6 days
- pkgIndex.tcl318.6 days74
- wget.tcl318.6 days1,401
- ident70.3 days
- ident.tcl70.3 days2,496
- pkgIndex.tcl70.3 days70
- imap470.3 days
- imap4.tcl70.3 days45,613
- pkgIndex.tcl70.3 days70
- inifile1.02 years
- ini.tcl1.02 years10,526
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years70
- interp1.02 years
- deleg_method.tcl1.02 years1,719
- deleg_proc.tcl1.02 years1,767
- interp.tcl1.02 years2,519
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years280
- irc1.02 years
- irc.tcl1.02 years12,541
- picoirc.tcl1.02 years16,967
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years172
- javascript1.02 years
- javascript.tcl1.02 years13,592
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years119
- jpeg70.3 days
- jpeg.tcl70.3 days35,450
- pkgIndex.tcl70.3 days66
- json70.3 days
- json.tcl70.3 days7,454
- json_tcl.tcl1.02 years8,620
- json_write.tcl1.02 years5,643
- pkgIndex.tcl70.3 days195
- lambda1.02 years
- lambda.tcl1.02 years1,160
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years199
- lazyset1.02 years
- lazyset.tcl1.02 years1,719
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years72
- ldap357.5 days
- ldap.tcl1.02 years75,535
- ldapx.tcl1.02 years38,026
- pkgIndex.tcl357.5 days209
- log1.02 years
- log.tcl1.02 years19,639
- logger.tcl1.02 years36,573
- loggerAppender.tcl1.02 years10,018
- loggerUtils.tcl1.02 years12,035
- msgs10.36 years
- en.msg10.36 years316
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years338
- map318.6 days
- map_geocode_nominatim.tcl1.02 years2,287
- map_slippy.tcl318.6 days6,924
- map_slippy_cache.tcl1.02 years3,913
- map_slippy_fetcher.tcl1.02 years4,493
- map_slippy_tcl.tcl1.94 years22,972
- pkgIndex.tcl318.6 days398
- mapproj1.02 years
- mapproj.tcl1.02 years56,970
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years72
- markdown318.6 days
- markdown.tcl318.6 days29,205
- pkgIndex.tcl318.6 days76
- math3.1 days
- bessel.tcl70.3 days4,653
- bigfloat.tcl2.55 years93,847
- bigfloat2.tcl70.3 days82,302
- bignum.tcl1.02 years29,137
- calculus.tcl70.3 days52,393
- classic_polyns.tcl70.3 days5,093
- combinatorics.tcl70.3 days10,956
- combinatoricsExt.tcl1.02 years18,813
- constants.tcl70.3 days5,803
- decimal.tcl1.02 years39,892
- elliptic.tcl70.3 days5,386
- exact.tcl1.02 years98,916
- exponential.tcl70.3 days13,158
- figurate.tcl1.02 years7,943
- filtergen.tcl70.3 days7,050
- fourier.tcl1.02 years12,415
- fuzzy.tcl1.02 years3,700
- geometry.tcl70.3 days45,007
- geometry_circle.tcl1.02 years10,690
- geometry_ext.tcl122.8 days35,176
- interpolate.tcl1.02 years16,848
- kruskal.tcl7.29 years4,028
- linalg.tcl1.02 years65,612
- liststat.tcl10.36 years2,500
- machineparameters.tcl1.02 years10,860
- math.tcl1.02 years1,190
- misc.tcl1.02 years8,825
- mvlinreg.tcl310.8 days8,074
- numtheory.tcl1.02 years2,580
- optimize.tcl1.02 years36,998
- pca.tcl70.3 days11,756
- pdf_stat.tcl5.03 years69,969
- pkgIndex.tcl70.3 days2,885
- plotstat.tcl10.36 years7,971
- polynomials.tcl1.02 years16,017
- primes.tcl3.69 years14,138
- probopt.tcl1.02 years691
- probopt_diffev.tcl3.89 years7,941
- probopt_lipo.tcl3.89 years6,832
- probopt_pso.tcl3.89 years13,978
- probopt_sce.tcl3.89 years10,956
- qcomplex.tcl1.02 years4,575
- quasirandom.tcl70.3 days14,270
- rational_funcs.tcl1.02 years11,397
- romannumerals.tcl1.02 years5,011
- rootfind.tcl2.47 years8,839
- special.tcl70.3 days13,711
- stat_kernel.tcl10.36 years6,547
- stat_logit.tcl6.20 years3,024
- stat_wasserstein.tcl6.20 years5,855
- statistics.tcl3.1 days62,445
- symdiff.tcl1.02 years35,812
- tclIndex10.36 years1,707
- trig.tcl1.02 years7,237
- wilcoxon.tcl5.04 years8,825
- md41.02 years
- md4.tcl1.02 years18,676
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years123
- md570.3 days
- md5.tcl70.3 days17,959
- md5x.tcl70.3 days25,393
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years133
- md5crypt1.02 years
- md5crypt.tcl1.02 years4,606
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years105
- mime1.02 years
- mime.tcl1.02 years107,809
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years136
- smtp.tcl1.02 years47,817
- mkdoc318.6 days
- LICENSE2.55 years1,515
- mkdoc.tcl318.6 days24,280
- pkgIndex.tcl318.6 days70
- multiplexer1.02 years
- multiplexer.tcl1.02 years6,227
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years546
- namespacex1.02 years
- namespacex.tcl1.02 years10,003
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years78
- ncgi70.3 days
- ncgi.tcl70.3 days29,951
- pkgIndex.tcl70.3 days68
- nettool70.3 days
- nettool.tcl70.3 days53,874
- pkgIndex.tcl70.3 days222
- nmea70.3 days
- nmea.tcl70.3 days5,277
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years68
- nns1.02 years
- common.tcl1.02 years862
- nns.tcl1.02 years10,256
- nns_auto.tcl1.02 years11,597
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years325
- server.tcl1.02 years9,125
- nntp70.3 days
- nntp.tcl70.3 days25,719
- pkgIndex.tcl70.3 days68
- ntp1.02 years
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years68
- time.tcl1.02 years10,570
- oauth1.02 years
- oauth.tcl1.02 years10,325
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years70
- oodialect1.02 years
- oodialect.tcl1.02 years7,564
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years80
- oometa1.02 years
- oometa.tcl1.02 years14,994
- oooption.tcl1.02 years4,870
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years230
- ooutil1.02 years
- ooutil.tcl1.02 years4,979
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years150
- otp1.02 years
- otp.tcl1.02 years23,483
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years93
- page1.02 years
- analysis_peg_emodes.tcl1.02 years11,903
- analysis_peg_minimize.tcl1.02 years1,535
- analysis_peg_reachable.tcl1.02 years4,587
- analysis_peg_realizable.tcl1.02 years7,300
- compiler_peg_mecpu.tcl1.02 years40,759
- gen_peg_canon.tcl1.02 years11,791
- gen_peg_cpkg.tcl1.02 years3,695
- gen_peg_hb.tcl1.02 years1,782
- gen_peg_me.tcl1.02 years22,620
- gen_peg_me.template1.02 years1,330
- gen_peg_mecpu.tcl1.02 years7,811
- gen_peg_mecpu.template1.02 years1,076
- gen_peg_ser.tcl1.02 years1,425
- gen_tree_text.tcl1.02 years1,959
- parse_lemon.tcl1.02 years147,014
- parse_peg.tcl1.02 years87,236
- parse_peghb.tcl1.02 years2,502
- parse_pegser.tcl1.02 years2,126
- peg_grammar.tcl1.02 years5,185
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years4,561
- pluginmgr.tcl1.02 years14,138
- plugins1.02 years
- config_peg.tcl1.02 years201
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years1,885
- reader_hb.tcl1.02 years2,499
- reader_lemon.tcl1.02 years3,890
- reader_peg.tcl1.02 years3,802
- reader_ser.tcl1.02 years2,526
- reader_treeser.tcl1.02 years2,548
- transform_mecpu.tcl1.02 years2,507
- transform_reachable.tcl1.02 years2,465
- transform_realizable.tcl1.02 years2,475
- writer_hb.tcl1.02 years2,388
- writer_identity.tcl1.02 years2,115
- writer_me.tcl1.02 years2,556
- writer_mecpu.tcl1.02 years2,530
- writer_null.tcl1.02 years2,138
- writer_peg.tcl1.02 years2,386
- writer_ser.tcl1.02 years2,389
- writer_tpc.tcl1.02 years2,391
- writer_tree.tcl1.02 years2,382
- util_flow.tcl1.02 years1,885
- util_norm_lemon.tcl1.02 years10,348
- util_norm_peg.tcl1.02 years10,637
- util_peg.tcl1.02 years5,205
- util_quote.tcl1.02 years4,078
- pkgIndex.tcl4.98 years10,674
- pki318.6 days
- pkgIndex.tcl318.6 days65
- pki.tcl318.6 days90,439
- pluginmgr1.02 years
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years76
- pluginmgr.tcl1.02 years9,715
- png70.3 days
- pkgIndex.tcl70.3 days66
- png.tcl70.3 days9,398
- pop370.3 days
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years67
- pop3.tcl70.3 days24,127
- pop3d1.02 years
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years703
- pop3d.tcl1.02 years29,991
- pop3d_dbox.tcl1.02 years12,379
- pop3d_udb.tcl1.02 years7,933
- practcl70.0 days
- pkgIndex.tcl70.3 days80
- practcl.tcl70.0 days265,377
- processman70.3 days
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years176
- processman.tcl70.3 days7,660
- profiler1.02 years
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years74
- profiler.tcl1.02 years16,965
- pt70.3 days
- char.tcl1.02 years7,081
- pkgIndex.tcl70.3 days4,292
- pt_astree.tcl70.3 days6,040
- pt_cparam_config_critcl.tcl1.02 years12,661
- pt_cparam_config_tea.tcl1.02 years12,180
- pt_parse_peg.tcl318.6 days4,038
- pt_parse_peg_tcl.tcl318.6 days54,575
- pt_peg_container.tcl1.02 years13,268
- pt_peg_container_peg.tcl318.6 days7,274
- pt_peg_export.tcl1.02 years2,956
- pt_peg_export_container.tcl1.02 years1,285
- pt_peg_export_json.tcl1.02 years1,237
- pt_peg_export_peg.tcl1.02 years1,274
- pt_peg_from_json.tcl1.02 years1,363
- pt_peg_from_peg.tcl1.02 years10,418
- pt_peg_import.tcl1.02 years4,984
- pt_peg_import_json.tcl1.02 years1,029
- pt_peg_import_peg.tcl1.02 years1,089
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- pt_peg_to_peg.tcl1.02 years10,639
- pt_peg_to_tclparam.tcl70.3 days30,711
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- pt_tclparam_config_snit.tcl1.02 years3,711
- pt_tclparam_config_tcloo.tcl1.02 years3,147
- pt_util.tcl1.02 years4,708
- text_write.tcl1.02 years6,047
- rc470.3 days
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- rc4.tcl70.3 days11,836
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- rcs.tcl1.02 years6,209
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- rest66.5 days
- pkgIndex.tcl66.5 days66
- rest.tcl66.5 days29,108
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- pkgIndex.tcl70.3 days156
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- ripemd160.tcl70.3 days26,682
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- ntlm.tcl70.3 days13,465
- pkgIndex.tcl70.3 days472
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- scram.tcl1.02 years16,863
- sha165.0 days
- pkgIndex.tcl65.0 days680
- sha1.tcl70.3 days22,536
- sha1v1.tcl70.3 days20,700
- sha256.tcl65.0 days24,703
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- montecarlo.tcl1.02 years12,470
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years262
- random.tcl1.02 years14,884
- smtpd1.02 years
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years534
- smtpd.tcl1.02 years29,690
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- main1_83.tcl10.36 years128,549
- main2.tcl1.02 years125,205
- pkgIndex.tcl70.3 days137
- snit.tcl70.3 days752
- snit2.tcl70.3 days770
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- validate.tcl10.36 years18,959
- soundex1.02 years
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years538
- soundex.tcl1.02 years3,152
- stooop1.02 years
- mkpkgidx.tcl1.02 years4,727
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- token_shell.tcl1.02 years4,956
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- pkgIndex.tcl70.3 days349
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- unicode.tcl65.0 days7,186
- unicode_data.tcl70.3 days104,078
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- graph_tcl.tcl70.3 days77,641
- graphops.tcl1.02 years109,374
- list.tcl70.3 days48,928
- map.tcl1.02 years2,689
- matrix.tcl16.6 days73,611
- matrix1.tcl1.46 years60,946
- pkgIndex.tcl70.3 days1,590
- pool.tcl1.02 years19,664
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- stack_tcl.tcl70.3 days11,823
- struct.tcl1.02 years526
- struct1.tcl1.02 years494
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- tar.tcl57.4 days20,485
- tepam70.3 days
- pkgIndex.tcl70.3 days166
- tepam.tcl70.3 days133,163
- tepam_doc_gen.tcl70.3 days36,952
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- ansi1.02 years
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- code1.02 years
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- macros.tcl1.02 years2,526
- ctrlunix.tcl1.02 years1,533
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- bind.tcl1.02 years2,618
- imenu.tcl1.02 years4,484
- ipager.tcl1.02 years4,392
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years1,091
- receive.tcl1.02 years1,350
- send.tcl1.02 years654
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- ithyph.tex10.36 years9,571
- patch.tcl1.02 years4,437
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years842
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- split.tcl1.02 years4,486
- string.tcl1.02 years4,000
- tabify.tcl1.02 years9,844
- textutil.tcl1.02 years2,499
- trim.tcl1.02 years2,611
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- tiff.tcl70.3 days22,978
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- dsource.tcl1.02 years3,992
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years646
- receiver.tcl1.02 years4,557
- tqueue.tcl1.02 years5,230
- transmitter.tcl1.02 years4,339
- treeql1.02 years
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years72
- treeql.tcl1.02 years518
- treeql84.tcl1.02 years16,919
- treeql85.tcl1.02 years16,772
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- try.tcl70.3 days5,388
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- units.tcl70.3 days21,603
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- otp.tcl1.02 years2,954
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- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years76
- websocket.tcl70.3 days53,142
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- pkgIndex.tcl357.5 days129
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- wip2.tcl1.02 years13,208
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- json2huddle.tcl1.02 years11,462
- pkgIndex.tcl1.02 years237
- yaml.tcl231.9 days37,511
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- pkgIndex.tcl70.3 days245