Files in the latest check-in for branch trunk and within directory undroid/kafkatcl sorted by filename
File ages are expressed relative to the check-in time of 2024-11-23 05:41:26.
AndroWishLast ChangeSize
- undroid177.0 days
- kafkatcl177.0 days
- aclocal.m410.36 years147
- compat2.18 years
- librdkafka2.18 years
- rdkafka.h2.18 years89,884
- librdkafka_dl.h2.18 years14,131
- configure1.69 years275,126
- configure.in2.18 years7,545
- demos2.18 years
- basic-batch-reader.tcl2.18 years502
- basic-reader-batch-queue.tcl2.18 years609
- basic-reader.tcl2.18 years543
- index-writer-oo.tcl2.18 years2,358
- meta.tcl2.18 years505
- producer-dr-callback.tcl2.18 years565
- producer.tcl2.18 years958
- reader-callback.tcl2.18 years416
- reader-queue-callback-multipart.tcl2.18 years570
- reader-queue-callback.tcl2.18 years528
- generic177.0 days
- kafkatcl.c177.0 days135,116
- kafkatcl.h1.63 years5,278
- tclkafkatcl.c1.86 years5,643
- kafkatcl.tcl2.18 years2,922
- LICENSE2.18 years3,100
- Makefile.in2.18 years15,662
- pkgIndex.tcl.in2.18 years205
- README.md2.18 years29,145
- tclconfig1.69 years
- install-sh10.36 years13,868
- README.txt10.36 years811
- tcl.m41.69 years137,284
- tests2.18 years
- all.tcl2.18 years557
- TODO2.18 years152