Files in the latest check-in for branch trunk sorted by filename
File ages are expressed relative to the check-in time of 2025-02-10 17:53:06.
AndroWishLast ChangeSize
- AndroidManifest.xml296.2 days8,413
- AndroidManifest64.xml296.4 days8,724
- ant.properties10.58 years698
- assets23.3 hours
- autoopts03.74 years
- AUTHORS3.74 years1,088
- autoopts.tcl3.74 years13,011
- example.tcl3.74 years461
- LICENSE3.74 years1,099
- pkgIndex.tcl3.74 years76
- transcript-generator.tcl3.74 years378
- awthemes101.50 years
- awarc.tcl3.67 years3,841
- awblack.tcl3.67 years2,908
- awbreeze.tcl3.67 years4,019
- awbreezedark.tcl3.67 years3,984
- awclearlooks.tcl3.67 years3,802
- awdark.tcl3.65 years2,024
- awlight.tcl3.65 years1,815
- awtemplate.tcl3.67 years6,595
- awthemes.n4.09 years4,946
- awthemes.tcl1.50 years166,789
- awwinxpblue.tcl3.67 years3,452
- colorutils.tcl4.41 years10,048
- demoscaled.tcl3.67 years6,795
- demoscaledb.tcl3.67 years5,148
- demottk.tcl3.65 years41,546
- i3.65 years
- awthemes3.65 years
- arrow3.65 years
- chevron4.32 years
- arrow-down-d.svg4.32 years2,539
- arrow-down-n-base.svg4.80 years2,519
- arrow-down-n.svg4.80 years2,533
- arrow-down-sn.svg4.80 years2,533
- arrow-left-n.svg4.32 years2,623
- arrow-right-n.svg4.32 years2,627
- arrow-right-sn.svg4.80 years2,628
- arrow-up-d.svg4.32 years2,635
- arrow-up-n.svg4.32 years2,627
- open4.32 years
- arrow-down-n-base.svg5.19 years2,517
- arrow-down-n.svg4.32 years2,612
- arrow-down-sn.svg4.80 years2,613
- arrow-left-n.svg4.32 years2,680
- arrow-right-n.svg4.80 years2,682
- arrow-right-sn.svg4.80 years2,682
- arrow-up-n.svg4.32 years2,680
- solid-bg4.32 years
- arrow-down-d.svg4.32 years2,889
- arrow-down-n-base.svg4.32 years2,883
- arrow-down-n.svg4.32 years2,881
- arrow-left-d.svg4.32 years2,886
- arrow-left-n.svg4.32 years2,878
- arrow-right-d.svg4.32 years2,885
- arrow-right-n.svg4.32 years2,877
- arrow-up-d.svg4.32 years2,884
- arrow-up-n.svg4.32 years2,876
- settings.tcl4.82 years75
- solid3.65 years
- arrow-down-n-base.svg4.32 years2,429
- arrow-down-n.svg4.32 years2,515
- arrow-down-sn.svg4.32 years2,515
- arrow-left-n.svg3.65 years2,584
- arrow-right-n.svg3.65 years2,586
- arrow-right-sn.svg4.32 years2,560
- arrow-up-n.svg3.65 years2,560
- button3.89 years
- roundedrect-accent-gradient4.32 years
- button-a.svg4.80 years3,891
- button-d.svg4.32 years2,888
- button-n.svg4.32 years2,897
- button-p.svg4.79 years2,916
- settings.tcl4.82 years77
- roundedrect-flat3.89 years
- button-a.svg3.89 years2,089
- button-af-base.svg4.79 years2,122
- button-af.svg3.89 years2,088
- button-d.svg4.79 years2,097
- button-f.svg3.89 years2,088
- button-n.svg4.79 years2,124
- button-p.svg3.89 years2,088
- settings.tcl4.32 years114
- roundedrect-gradient4.32 years
- button-d.svg4.32 years3,484
- button-n-base.svg4.32 years3,461
- button-n.svg4.32 years3,478
- settings.tcl4.32 years77
- checkbutton3.89 years
- roundedrect-check-rev3.89 years
- cb-sa-base.svg4.24 years3,177
- cb-sa.svg3.89 years3,160
- cb-sd.svg3.89 years3,113
- cb-sn-base.svg4.24 years2,688
- cb-sn.svg4.24 years3,118
- cb-ua.svg3.89 years2,127
- cb-ud.svg3.89 years2,128
- cb-un.svg4.24 years2,130
- roundedrect-check3.89 years
- cb-sa-base.svg4.24 years3,177
- cb-sa.svg3.89 years3,161
- cb-sd.svg3.89 years3,116
- cb-sn-base.svg4.24 years2,688
- cb-sn.svg4.24 years3,121
- cb-ua.svg3.89 years2,127
- cb-ud.svg3.89 years2,128
- cb-un.svg4.24 years2,130
- roundedrect-square3.89 years
- cb-sa.svg3.89 years2,380
- cb-sd.svg3.89 years2,378
- cb-sn-base.svg4.79 years2,363
- cb-sn.svg4.79 years2,377
- cb-ua.svg3.89 years2,115
- cb-ud.svg3.89 years2,118
- cb-un.svg4.79 years2,114
- square-check-gradient3.89 years
- cb-sd.svg3.89 years3,823
- cb-sn-base.svg4.80 years3,423
- cb-sn.svg4.80 years3,824
- cb-ud.svg3.89 years2,867
- cb-un.svg3.89 years2,861
- square-x3.89 years
- cb-sd.svg3.89 years2,998
- cb-sn-base.svg4.80 years2,882
- cb-sn.svg4.80 years2,992
- cb-ud.svg3.89 years2,098
- cb-un.svg4.80 years2,094
- combobox3.65 years
- rounded3.89 years
- combo-arrow-down-d.svg4.32 years3,032
- combo-arrow-down-n-base.svg4.32 years3,028
- combo-arrow-down-n.svg4.32 years3,026
- combo-entry-a.svg3.89 years2,668
- combo-entry-d.svg4.32 years2,670
- combo-entry-f.svg4.32 years2,667
- combo-entry-n-base.svg4.32 years2,674
- combo-entry-n.svg4.32 years2,666
- settings.tcl4.32 years93
- solid-bg3.65 years
- combo-arrow-down-a.svg4.32 years2,778
- combo-arrow-down-d-base.svg4.32 years2,712
- combo-arrow-down-d.svg4.32 years2,800
- combo-arrow-down-n-base.svg4.32 years2,807
- combo-arrow-down-n.svg4.32 years2,787
- settings.tcl3.65 years77
- empty5.19 years
- empty5.19 years
- empty.svg5.19 years1,834
- entry3.89 years
- roundedrect3.89 years
- entry-a.svg3.89 years2,182
- entry-d.svg4.32 years2,184
- entry-f.svg4.32 years2,181
- entry-n-base.svg4.32 years2,211
- entry-n.svg4.32 years2,180
- settings.tcl4.30 years37
- labelframe4.80 years
- square4.80 years
- labelframe-d.svg4.80 years2,011
- labelframe-n.svg4.82 years2,009
- menubutton4.79 years
- chevron4.79 years
- mb-arrow-down-a.svg4.79 years2,856
- mb-arrow-down-d.svg4.79 years2,851
- mb-arrow-down-n-base.svg4.82 years2,846
- mb-arrow-down-n.svg4.79 years2,841
- solid4.79 years
- mb-arrow-down-d-base.svg5.19 years2,410
- mb-arrow-down-d.svg4.79 years2,504
- mb-arrow-down-n-base.svg5.19 years2,404
- mb-arrow-down-n.svg4.79 years2,493
- notebook4.79 years
- roundedtop-dark4.79 years
- notebook-tab-a.svg4.82 years2,674
- notebook-tab-d.svg4.79 years2,680
- notebook-tab-h.svg4.79 years2,685
- notebook-tab-i-base.svg4.82 years2,685
- notebook-tab-i.svg4.79 years2,680
- settings.tcl4.82 years69
- roundedtop-light-accent4.79 years
- notebook-tab-a.svg4.82 years2,674
- notebook-tab-d.svg4.79 years2,683
- notebook-tab-h.svg4.82 years2,676
- notebook-tab-i-base.svg4.82 years2,685
- notebook-tab-i.svg4.82 years2,676
- settings.tcl4.82 years69
- roundedtop-light4.79 years
- notebook-tab-a.svg4.82 years2,674
- notebook-tab-d.svg4.79 years2,683
- notebook-tab-h.svg4.79 years2,685
- notebook-tab-i-base.svg4.82 years2,685
- notebook-tab-i.svg4.82 years2,676
- settings.tcl4.82 years69
- progressbar4.30 years
- rect-bord4.32 years
- settings.tcl4.79 years76
- slider-hd.svg4.32 years2,193
- slider-hn-base.svg4.79 years2,234
- slider-hn.svg4.32 years2,189
- slider-vd.svg4.32 years2,192
- slider-vn.svg4.32 years2,188
- rect-diag4.30 years
- diag-mask.svg4.32 years15,664
- settings.tcl4.30 years39
- slider-hd.svg4.32 years15,707
- slider-hn-base.svg4.32 years15,707
- slider-hn.svg4.32 years15,703
- slider-vd.svg4.32 years15,731
- slider-vn-base.svg4.32 years15,731
- slider-vn.svg4.32 years15,727
- rect4.79 years
- settings.tcl4.79 years76
- slider-hd.svg4.79 years2,177
- slider-hn-base.svg4.79 years2,174
- slider-hn.svg4.79 years2,175
- slider-vd.svg4.79 years2,181
- slider-vn.svg4.79 years2,179
- trough-hd.svg4.79 years2,181
- trough-hn-base.svg4.79 years2,174
- trough-hn.svg4.79 years2,179
- trough-vd.svg4.79 years2,185
- trough-vn.svg4.79 years2,183
- rounded-line4.79 years
- settings.tcl4.82 years76
- slider-hd.svg4.79 years2,189
- slider-hn.svg4.79 years2,187
- slider-vd.svg4.79 years2,182
- slider-vn.svg4.79 years2,180
- trough-hd.svg4.79 years2,193
- trough-hn-base.svg4.79 years2,188
- trough-hn.svg4.79 years2,191
- trough-vd.svg4.79 years2,186
- trough-vn-base.svg4.79 years2,188
- trough-vn.svg4.79 years2,184
- settings.tcl4.79 years76
- radiobutton4.24 years
- circle-circle-gradient4.80 years
- rb-sd.svg4.80 years3,098
- rb-sn-base.svg4.80 years3,078
- rb-sn.svg4.80 years3,104
- rb-ud.svg4.80 years2,856
- rb-un.svg4.80 years2,866
- circle-circle-hlbg4.24 years
- rb-sa.svg4.24 years2,237
- rb-sd.svg4.24 years2,245
- rb-sn-base.svg4.24 years2,212
- rb-sn.svg4.24 years2,230
- rb-ua.svg4.24 years2,050
- rb-ud.svg4.24 years2,056
- rb-un.svg4.24 years2,068
- circle-circle-rev4.24 years
- rb-sa.svg4.24 years2,259
- rb-sd.svg4.24 years2,256
- rb-sn-base.svg4.24 years2,265
- rb-sn.svg4.24 years2,250
- rb-ua.svg4.24 years2,085
- rb-ud.svg4.24 years2,068
- rb-un.svg4.24 years2,082
- circle-circle4.24 years
- rb-sa.svg4.24 years2,224
- rb-sd.svg4.24 years2,221
- rb-sn-base.svg4.24 years2,263
- rb-sn.svg4.24 years2,235
- rb-ua.svg4.24 years2,069
- rb-ud.svg4.24 years2,068
- rb-un.svg4.24 years2,082
- octagon-circle4.80 years
- rb-sd.svg4.80 years2,719
- rb-sn-base.svg4.80 years3,045
- rb-sn.svg4.80 years2,729
- rb-ud.svg4.80 years2,472
- rb-un.svg4.80 years2,486
- README.txt4.30 years2,998
- scale3.89 years
- circle-rev4.24 years
- scale-ha.svg4.24 years2,090
- scale-hd.svg4.24 years2,094
- scale-hn.svg4.24 years2,092
- circle3.89 years
- scale-ha.svg3.89 years2,093
- scale-hd.svg4.24 years2,094
- scale-hn.svg4.24 years2,092
- rect-bord-grip4.32 years
- scale-hd.svg4.32 years7,624
- scale-hn-base.svg4.32 years7,626
- scale-hn.svg4.32 years7,596
- scale-vd.svg4.32 years7,630
- scale-vn.svg4.32 years7,602
- rect-narrow4.32 years
- scale-hd.svg4.32 years3,270
- scale-hn-base.svg4.32 years3,265
- scale-hn.svg4.32 years3,260
- scale-trough-hd.svg4.32 years2,184
- scale-trough-hn-base.svg4.32 years2,195
- scale-trough-hn.svg4.32 years2,180
- scale-trough-vd.svg4.32 years2,172
- scale-trough-vn-base.svg4.32 years2,183
- scale-trough-vn.svg4.32 years2,168
- scale-vd.svg4.32 years3,323
- scale-vn.svg4.32 years3,313
- settings.tcl4.32 years88
- scrollbar-grip5.17 years
- circle5.17 years
- sb-slider-h-grip-base.svg5.17 years7,323
- sb-slider-h-grip.svg5.17 years7,281
- sb-slider-v-grip-base.svg5.17 years7,347
- sb-slider-v-grip.svg5.17 years7,327
- sizegrip5.19 years
- circle5.19 years
- sizegrip-base.svg5.19 years4,903
- sizegrip.svg5.19 years4,915
- treeview3.89 years
- chevron3.89 years
- tree-arrow-down-base.svg3.89 years2,917
- tree-arrow-down-n.svg3.89 years2,917
- tree-arrow-down-sn.svg3.89 years2,917
- tree-arrow-right-n.svg3.89 years2,910
- tree-arrow-right-sn.svg3.89 years2,910
- open5.19 years
- tree-arrow-down-n-base.svg5.19 years2,517
- tree-arrow-down-n.svg5.19 years2,611
- tree-arrow-down-sn.svg5.19 years2,611
- tree-arrow-right-n-base.svg5.19 years2,551
- tree-arrow-right-n.svg5.19 years2,642
- tree-arrow-right-sn.svg5.19 years2,642
- plusminus-box4.32 years
- tree-arrow-down-n-base.svg4.80 years2,984
- tree-arrow-down-n.svg4.32 years2,923
- tree-arrow-down-sn.svg4.32 years2,923
- tree-arrow-right-n-base.svg4.79 years2,951
- tree-arrow-right-n.svg4.32 years2,973
- tree-arrow-right-sn.svg4.32 years2,974
- solid5.19 years
- tree-arrow-down-n-base.svg5.19 years2,399
- tree-arrow-down-n.svg5.19 years2,504
- tree-arrow-down-sn.svg5.19 years2,504
- tree-arrow-right-n-base.svg5.19 years2,386
- tree-arrow-right-n.svg5.19 years2,497
- tree-arrow-right-sn.svg5.19 years2,497
- LICENSE3.89 years2,215
- pkgIndex.tcl3.65 years1,775
- README.txt3.65 years15,419
- bcrypt2.029.1 days
- pkgIndex.tcl29.1 days88
- ble1.0336.5 days
- demos336.5 days
- beep.wav9.66 years46,648
- beijing.ttf9.66 years28,304
- chirp.wav9.66 years19,306
- federation.ttf9.66 years31,164
- lumen.tcl8.07 years7,831
- README9.66 years189
- transbeep.wav9.66 years84,944
- tricorder.tcl336.5 days13,221
- tricorder.wav9.66 years64,022
- pkgIndex.tcl7.94 years202
- blt2.41.39 years
- bltGraph.pro10.58 years13,139
- demos1.39 years
- barchart1.tcl8.27 years3,597
- barchart3.tcl8.27 years4,103
- barchart4.tcl8.27 years2,872
- barchart5.tcl10.58 years2,514
- bitmaps10.58 years
- face.xbm10.58 years12,676
- greenback.xbm10.58 years68,005
- hobbes.xbm10.58 years757
- hobbes_mask.xbm10.58 years764
- sharky.xbm10.58 years9,433
- xbob.xbm10.58 years2,672
- graph1.tcl1.39 years2,985
- graph2.tcl8.27 years3,533
- graph3.tcl8.27 years2,586
- graph4.tcl8.27 years133,371
- graph5.tcl6.27 years2,863
- graph6.tcl1.39 years134,638
- graph7.tcl6.27 years2,123
- images10.58 years
- blt98.gif10.58 years36,719
- buckskin.gif10.58 years7,561
- chalk.gif10.58 years4,378
- close.gif10.58 years142
- close2.gif10.58 years142
- clouds.gif10.58 years6,414
- corrugated_metal.gif10.58 years7,708
- folder.gif10.58 years88
- jan25_palm3x_L.jpg10.58 years4,048
- mini-book1.gif10.58 years109
- mini-book2.gif10.58 years93
- mini-display.gif10.58 years109
- mini-doc.gif10.58 years91
- mini-filemgr.gif10.58 years106
- mini-ofolder.gif10.58 years114
- mini-windows.gif10.58 years86
- ofolder.gif10.58 years110
- open.gif10.58 years148
- open2.gif10.58 years148
- qv100.t.gif10.58 years2,694
- rain.gif10.58 years3,785
- smblue_rock.gif10.58 years3,820
- stopsign.gif10.58 years259
- scripts6.27 years
- barchart2.tcl10.58 years3,423
- clone.tcl10.58 years2,299
- demo.tcl10.58 years880
- graph1.tcl10.58 years2,347
- graph2.tcl10.58 years3,469
- graph3.tcl10.58 years1,807
- graph5.tcl10.58 years1,653
- graph8.tcl10.58 years2,740
- page.tcl10.58 years2,920
- patterns.tcl10.58 years818
- ps.tcl10.58 years22,421
- stipples.tcl10.58 years3,791
- xcolors.tcl6.27 years6,546
- spline.tcl6.27 years1,894
- stripchart1.tcl6.27 years11,638
- graph.tcl6.27 years14,424
- pkgIndex.tcl5.22 years151
- tclIndex10.58 years653
- ZoomStack.itcl6.28 years10,065
- borg1.08.07 years
- pkgIndex.tcl8.07 years780
- bwidget1.10105.6 days
- arrow.tcl2.33 years21,382
- bitmap.tcl1.14 years2,605
- button.tcl118.0 days13,837
- buttonbox.tcl118.0 days12,578
- ChangeLog105.6 days90,306
- CHANGES.txt2.33 years8,085
- color.tcl118.0 days31,485
- combobox.tcl118.0 days30,275
- demo118.0 days
- basic.tcl118.0 days6,964
- bwidget.xbm10.58 years3,369
- demo.tcl118.0 days8,024
- dnd.tcl10.58 years1,200
- manager.tcl118.0 days4,406
- select.tcl10.58 years2,891
- tmpldlg.tcl118.0 days7,719
- tree.tcl118.0 days8,199
- x1.xbm10.58 years173,640
- dialog.tcl160.1 days11,499
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- dropsite.tcl1.14 years15,979
- dynhelp.tcl118.0 days24,053
- entry.tcl118.0 days18,550
- font.tcl118.0 days19,402
- images10.58 years
- bold.gif10.58 years118
- copy.gif10.58 years145
- cut.gif10.58 years130
- dragfile.gif10.58 years949
- dragicon.gif10.58 years1,012
- error.gif10.58 years259
- file.gif10.58 years860
- folder.gif10.58 years139
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- oplink.xbm10.58 years194
- opmove.xbm10.58 years194
- overstrike.gif10.58 years119
- palette.gif10.58 years151
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- LICENSE.txt10.58 years2,223
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- pkgIndex.tcl105.6 days3,309
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- progressdlg.tcl10.58 years3,184
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- scrollview.tcl1.14 years9,439
- scrollw.tcl1.14 years9,718
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- spinbox.tcl118.0 days12,217
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- titleframe.tcl10.58 years6,064
- tree.tcl118.0 days72,632
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- widget.tcl1.14 years55,967
- wizard.tcl2.33 years31,439
- xpm2image.tcl1.14 years5,301
- calc05.24 years
- calc.tcl5.24 years35,315
- README5.24 years193
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- can2svg.tcl1.14 years41,598
- pkgIndex.tcl3.64 years376
- svg2can.tcl1.14 years69,176
- tinydom.tcl1.14 years3,583
- tinyfileutils.tcl1.14 years7,286
- uriencode.tcl1.14 years1,722
- Canvas3d1.2.46.09 years
- c3dshapes.tcl10.27 years6,472
- demo6.09 years
- 3dcanvas.tcl9.03 years927
- common.tcl6.09 years5,774
- cube.tcl10.27 years822
- cube2.tcl10.18 years2,176
- drh1.gif10.27 years9,319
- duodecahedron.tcl9.78 years6,963
- photocube.tcl10.14 years2,136
- shapes.tcl9.78 years1,810
- texture2.tcl10.27 years738
- threads.tcl6.09 years559
- triangles.tcl10.27 years5,668
- vr_chick.tcl7.19 years51,111
- pkgIndex.tcl8.34 years154
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- classview.tcl4.68 years33,350
- pkgIndex.tcl8.61 years126
- README8.61 years201
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- LICENSE.txt6.42 years1,230
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- sha1v1.tcl149.8 days20,700
- sha256.tcl144.5 days24,703
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- send.tcl1.24 years654
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- treeql85.tcl1.24 years16,772
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- Connection.tcl149.5 days33,280
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- encoders.tcl5.06 years6,732
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- reflectedQueue.tcl5.80 years1,451
- reflectedQueueRMQ.tcl5.80 years1,068
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- send.tcl5.80 years470
- 2_Work_Queues5.80 years
- new_task.tcl5.80 years816
- worker.tcl5.80 years767
- 3_Publish_Subscribe5.80 years
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- receive_logs.tcl5.80 years999
- 4_Routing5.80 years
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- receive_logs_direct.tcl5.80 years1,226
- 5_Topics5.80 years
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- receive_log_topic.tcl5.80 years1,219
- 6_RPC5.80 years
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- pkgIndex.tcl5.06 years761
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- smtp.tcl10.44 years7,174
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- SOAP-service.tcl10.44 years9,130
- SOAP.tcl10.44 years46,409
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- Embedded.tcl1.15 years32,684
- license.terms8.94 years2,159
- License.txt8.94 years1,651
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- Utilities.tcl1.15 years207,361
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- tclparser-8.1.tcl10.44 years15,906
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- xml-8.1.tcl10.44 years3,049
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- pkgIndex.tcl10.58 years682
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- minusarm.xbm10.58 years207
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- Android.mk3.87 years599
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- ssl.md201.2 days1,101
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- sslv3.md201.2 days466
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- styled-output.md201.2 days587
- suppress-connect-headers.md151.3 days690
- tcp-fastopen.md1.03 years490
- tcp-nodelay.md319.3 days484
- telnet-option.md1.03 years513
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- tlsv1.md319.3 days441
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- trace-time.md201.2 days403
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- use-ascii.md151.3 days498
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- CODE_REVIEW.md201.2 days5,998
- CONTRIBUTE.md151.3 days13,303
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- ipv6.c1.03 years1,460
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- localport.c319.3 days1,778
- Makefile.am151.3 days2,249
- Makefile.example201.2 days1,924
- Makefile.in151.3 days91,606
- Makefile.inc1.03 years3,292
- Makefile.mk1.03 years1,509
- maxconnects.c319.3 days2,025
- multi-app.c201.2 days3,520
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- url2file.c201.2 days2,487
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- version-check.pl1.99 years2,725
- websocket-cb.c319.3 days2,200
- websocket.c201.2 days3,547
- xmlstream.c201.2 days5,059
- EXPERIMENTAL.md144.5 days2,516
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- FEATURES.md151.3 days6,163
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- HELP-US.md263.4 days4,183
- HISTORY.md151.3 days13,093
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- libcurl.md151.3 days10,556
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- days159,815
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- Makefile.mk151.3 days2,605
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- years294
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