Files in directory undroid/tclunqlite in any check-in
- doc
- generic
- tclconfig
- tests
- aclocal.m4
- ChangeLog
- configure
- license.txt.unqlite
This is the UnQLite extension for Tcl using the Tcl Extension Architecture (TEA). For additional information on UnQLite see
Building under most UNIX systems is easy, just run the configure script and then run make. For more information about the build process, see the tcl/unix/README file in the Tcl src dist. The following minimal example will install the extension in the /opt/tcl directory.
$ cd tclunqlite
$ ./configure --prefix=/opt/tcl
$ make
$ make install
If you need setup directory containing tcl configuration (, below is an example:
$ cd tclunqlite
$ ./configure --with-tcl=/opt/activetcl/lib
$ make
$ make install
UnQLite is threadsafe and re-entrant (but it is not the default behavior). To compile UnQLite with threading support, define the UNQLITE_ENABLE_THREADS compile-time directive.
So at v0.2.5, I add UNQLITE_ENABLE_THREADS flag in If you don't need enable this, modified to remove this flag, from TEA_ADD_CFLAGS([-DUNQLITE_ENABLE_THREADS]) to TEA_ADD_CFLAGS([]), then do autoconf to create a new configure file. below is an example:
$ cd tclunqlite
$ autoconf
$ ./configure --prefix=/opt/tcl
$ make
$ make install
The recommended method to build extensions under windows is to use the Msys + Mingw build process. This provides a Unix-style build while generating native Windows binaries. Using the Msys + Mingw build tools means that you can use the same configure script as per the Unix build to create a Makefile.
Implement commands
The interface to the UnQLite library consists of single tcl command named unqlite. Once an UnQLite database is open, it can be controlled using methods of the DBNAME command.
The key is interpreted by Tcl as a string and data is interpreted by Tcl as a string or byte array (-binary BOOLEAN flag).
Basic usage
unqlite DBNAME FILENAME ?-readonly BOOLEAN? ?-mmap BOOLEAN? ?-create BOOLEAN? ?-in-memory BOOLEAN? ?-nomutex BOOLEAN?
unqlite -enable-threads
DBNAME close
DBNAME config ?-disableautocommit BOOLEAN?
Key/value features
DBNAME kv_store key value ?-binary BOOLEAN?
DBNAME kv_append key value ?-binary BOOLEAN?
DBNAME kv_fetch key ?-binary BOOLEAN?
DBNAME kv_delete key
DBNAME begin
DBNAME commit
DBNAME rollback
CURSORNAME seek key pos
CURSORNAME getdata ?-binary BOOLEAN?
Document Store (JSON via Jx9) Interfaces
DBNAME doc_create collection_name
DBNAME doc_fetch
DBNAME doc_fetch_id record_id
DBNAME doc_fetchall
DBNAME doc_store json_record
DBNAME doc_update_record record_id json_record
DBNAME doc_count
DBNAME doc_delete record_id
DBNAME doc_reset_cursor
DBNAME doc_current_id
DBNAME doc_last_id
DBNAME doc_begin
DBNAME doc_commit
DBNAME doc_rollback
DBNAME doc_drop
DBNAME doc_close
Document Store (JSON via Jx9) Interfaces, for JX9 script
DBNAME jx9_eval Jx9_script_string
DBNAME jx9_eval_file Jx9_script_file
DBNAME random_string buf_size
DBNAME version
Check UnQLite thread support (add in v0.2.5)
package require unqlite
#true -> enable, false -> not enable
unqlite -enable-threads
Get UnQLite version
package require unqlite
unqlite db1 ":mem:" -in-memory 1
puts [db1 version]
db1 close
Key/Value store
package require unqlite
unqlite db1 "test.db"
for {set i 1} {$i <= 100} {incr i} {
set key [db1 random_string 4]
set value [db1 random_string 20]
db1 kv_store $key $value
db1 cursor_init cursor1
for {cursor1 first} {[cursor1 isvalid]} {cursor1 next} {
set key [cursor1 getkey]
set data [cursor1 getdata]
set outputkey "Get key: "
append outputkey $key
puts $outputkey
set outputdata "Get data: "
append outputdata $data
puts $outputdata
cursor1 release
db1 close
Key/Value store - transactions
package require unqlite
unqlite db1 "test.db"
db1 kv_store "foo" "bar"
puts [db1 kv_fetch "foo"]
# commit to database
db1 commit
db1 begin
db1 kv_store "test" "testmessage"
db1 kv_delete "foo"
puts [db1 kv_fetch "foo"]
puts [db1 kv_fetch "test"]
db1 rollback
puts [db1 kv_fetch "foo"]
puts [db1 kv_fetch "test"]
db1 close
Key/Value store (binary value mode)
package require unqlite
unqlite Db1 "test.db"
set filename ""
set size [file size "/home/danilo/Downloads/"]
set fd [open "/home/danilo/Downloads/" {RDWR BINARY}]
fconfigure $fd -blocking 1 -encoding binary -translation binary
set data [read $fd $size]
close $fd
Db1 kv_store $filename $data -binary 1
set fetch_data [Db1 kv_fetch $filename -binary 1]
set fd [open "/home/danilo/Downloads/" {CREAT RDWR BINARY}]
fconfigure $fd -blocking 1 -encoding binary -translation binary
puts -nonewline $fd $fetch_data
close $fd
Db1 close
Key/Value store (binary value mode) - 2
package require unqlite
unqlite Db1 "test.db"
set filename ""
set size [file size "/home/danilo/Downloads/"]
set fd [open "/home/danilo/Downloads/" {RDWR BINARY}]
fconfigure $fd -blocking 1 -encoding binary -translation binary
set data [read $fd $size]
close $fd
Db1 kv_append $filename $data -binary 1
Db1 cursor_init cursor1
cursor1 seek $filename 0
set fetch_data [cursor1 getdata -binary 1]
set fd [open "/home/danilo/Downloads/" {CREAT RDWR BINARY}]
fconfigure $fd -blocking 1 -encoding binary -translation binary
puts -nonewline $fd $fetch_data
close $fd
cursor1 release
Db1 close
Document store
package require unqlite
unqlite db1 "test.db"
db1 doc_create user
db1 doc_store "{ name : 'alex', age : 19, mail : '' }"
db1 doc_store "{ name : 'robert', age : 49, mail : '' }"
db1 doc_store "{ name : 'orange', age : 12, mail : '' }"
db1 doc_store "{ name : 'michael', age : 52, mail : '' }"
db1 doc_store "{ name : 'glary', age : 45, mail : '' }"
puts [db1 doc_fetchall]
db1 doc_update_record 1 "{ name : 'scott', age : 49, mail : '' }"
puts "Now doc_fetc_id and doc_delete id 1"
puts [db1 doc_fetch_id 1]
db1 doc_delete 1
puts "After doc_delete..."
puts [db1 doc_fetchall]
db1 doc_close
db1 close
Eval a JX9 script string
package require unqlite
unqlite db1 "test.db"
db1 jx9_eval { $rc = db_exists("user");if (!$rc) {$rc = db_create("user");} print $rc }
db1 jx9_eval {print db_store('user', { name : 'alex', age : 19, mail : '' });}
db1 jx9_eval {print db_store('user', { name : 'robert', age : 49, mail : '' });}
db1 jx9_eval {print db_store('user', { name : 'orange', age : 12, mail : '' });}
db1 jx9_eval {print db_store('user', { name : 'michael', age : 52, mail : '' });}
db1 jx9_eval {print db_store('user', { name : 'glary', age : 45, mail : '' });}
puts [db1 jx9_eval {print db_fetch_all('user');}]
db1 close
Eval a JX9 script file
config_writer.jx9 -
// Create a dummy JSON object configuration
$my_config = {
bind_ip : "",
config : "/etc/symisc/jx9.conf",
dbpath : "/usr/local/unqlite",
fork : true,
logappend : true,
logpath : "/var/log/jx9.log",
quiet : true,
port : 8080
// Dump the JSON object
print $my_config;
// Write to disk
$file = "config.json.txt";
print "\n\n------------------\nWriting JSON object to disk file: '$file'\n";
// Create the file
$fp = fopen($file,'w+');
if( !$fp )
exit("Cannot create $file");
// Write the JSON object
// Close the file
// All done
print "$file successfully created on: "..__DATE__..' '..__TIME__;
// ---------------------- config_reader.jx9 ----------------------------
// Read the configuration file defined above
$iSz = filesize($zFile); // Size of the whole file
$fp = fopen($zFile,'r'); // Read-only mode
if( !$fp ){
exit("Cannot open '$zFile'");
// Read the raw content
$zBuf = fread($fp,$iSz);
// decode the JSON object now
$my_config = json_decode($zBuf);
if( !$my_config ){
print "JSON decoding error\n";
// Dump the JSON object
foreach( $my_config as $key,$value ){
print "$key ===> $value\n";
// Close the file
Example -
package require unqlite
unqlite db1 ":mem:" -in-memory 1
# for Windows
#db1 jx9_eval_file "c:/config_writer.jx9"
# for Linux
db1 jx9_eval_file "/home/danilo/config_writer.jx9"
db1 close
DBNAME doc_current_id always return current record id 0, and DBNAME doc_fetch only can get the first record, this is UnQLite API limits.