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Artifact ID: | 1df0b4744eb32c3648168e9e0c7439a41a2d4f1e |
Page Name: | undroidwish |
Date: | 2017-07-03 04:44:07 |
Original User: | chw |
Parent: | 7b0889b846af218ef663a676233e0b2fa5877bdd (diff) |
Next | d142bb19bb557175c416cd3000f2d4751eb3b031 |
undroidwishAndroWish sans the borg,a project just for pun. |
Experimental. This is a single-file Tcl/Tk binary for Windows (32 bit, optional 64 bit) and Linux using parts of the AndroWish source tree, in particular the ZIP virtual file system and the SDL/AGG/freetype based X11 emulation for rendering. So far it is a proof of concept which eventually can be extended to run on another fruity desktop platform. It is built by executing platform dependent shell scripts which are available for Windows and Linux. Ready-made binaries for 32 and 64 bit Windows and Intel Linux are listed on the Downloads page. It is possible to build undroidwish on Debian platforms with ARM processors like the Raspberry Pi or the Beaglebone.
Warning! undroidwish.exe is a Windows 32 bit binary which like other nicely playing portable apps does not write to the registry or otherwise modifies the system. But running it on your Windows PC is at your own risk. It is believed to be a CAREFUL (Click And Run Executable For Unplanned Leisure) thing. Although in the first place it might look like Tk in an X11 server, it provides all the benefits of the underlying AGG/SDL2/freetype based X11 emulation, i.e. anti-aliased rendering of lines, circles, and fonts. It even allows to smoothly zoom the Tk root window by using the mouse wheel combined with the control key.
Wayland. Another build script is provided which allows building undroidwish with the SDL2 Wayland video driver. This is partially tested on the GNOME based Fedora 25 Workstation and on Debian 9 "Stretch".
Some advanced Tcl/Tk extensions from Batteries Included are built in: tkpath, tktreectrl, tkimg, and Canvas3D (which requires the display driver to support OpenGL 2.x or better). Tcl-only extensions (without machine specific libraries) like tcllib, tksqlite, and bwidgets are included, too.
Some SDL specific command line options described in Beyond AndroWish can be used to control the size of the Tk root window or its resizability. Other SDL specific things can be controlled at runtime using the sdltk command.
In order to start built in scripts directly (which were baked into the ZIP file system), the script to be executed must be specified on the command line with its path within the embedded ZIP file system. Here are some examples.
The widget demo
undroidwish.exe builtin:sdl2tk8.6/demos/widget
TkSQLite, a graphical frontend to SQLite databases
undroidwish.exe builtin:tksqlite0.5.12/tksqlite.tcl
The PostScript tiger, a tkpath demo
undroidwish.exe builtin:tkpath0.3.3/demos/tiger.tcl
Canvas3D demo, multiple threads
undroidwish.exe builtin:Canvas3d1.2.2/demo/threads.tcl
Some shortcuts are provided as shown in the table below.
Script URL | Description |
builtin:widget | The widget demo |
builtin:tksqlite | Graphical frontend to SQLite databases |
builtin:imgdemo | Supported image formats |
builtin:tkpdemo | TkPath demo |
builtin:3ddemo | Canvas3D demo |
builtin:tkcon | Tk console |
builtin:treectrl | Tree control widget demo |
builtin:tktable | Table widget demo |
builtin:bugz | See Tk_Bugz in Tcl'ers Wiki, playable with a game pad |
builtin:tkchat | TkChat instant messaging application |
builtin:zint | Demo for ZINT barcode generator |
builtin:sdx | SDX utility |
builtin:dungfork | Read-only /etc browser demo using tcl-augeas |
builtin:vncviewer | Simple VNC viewer using tkvnc |
builtin:notebook | Will Duquette's Notebook App |
builtin:tkmc | Simple clone of Midnight Commander from Tcl'ers wiki |