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Ticket Hash: 1911d724fe5648e2cbf2c77dd932479301205ac7
Title: black screen after screen saver on or turn off screen
Status: Closed Type: Hardware_Related
Severity: Important Priority: Medium
Subsystem: Resolution: Fixed
Last Modified: 2020-04-01 04:16:15
Version Found In: debug version mentioned in the c.l.t. post
User Comments:
anonymous added on 2019-10-13 09:14:26: (text/x-fossil-plain)
Hi sir

Samsung Galaxy Tab A

android 9

after turn off screen or screen server on , I open the app turn to black screen !! 
only touch to desktop and  re-press this app the display will become normal !!! 
How to conquer this problem .... in other device (phone) no this kind of issue!

Could you give me some direction to solve this issue. 



anonymous added on 2020-01-01 22:00:27: (text/x-markdown)
This appears to be a problem with samsung galaxy phones and tablets. I recently got a second samsung galaxy j3, and out of the box it has this same problem. My 2 galaxy phones are now running 9.0.

The problem is not there with an older version, the 2016-4-23 version is the last one that did not have this problem.

anonymous added on 2020-03-23 09:12:59: (text/x-markdown)
seem hardware issue already use latest rev.

could someone show me what command let app always on the top?

black screen seem the app still not wake up in android system , need several times open and close to bring app on the top...


chw added on 2020-03-27 05:14:50: (text/x-fossil-plain)
With a refurbished Samsung J3 (2017) both with stock Android 8
and upgraded to Android 9 I was able to reproduce your problem.
It seems that something is broken on AndroWish's resume, i.e.
when it comes back to foreground after pause. Needs further

chw added on 2020-03-28 07:10:54: (text/x-fossil-plain)
Check-in [5f86715867] tries to fix this issue by handling
orientation changes on resume differently for Android versions
8.1 and newer. On my Samsung J3 this seems to work now but
please verify it on your devices, too. The test version is in

anonymous added on 2020-03-31 04:41:03: (text/x-markdown)
I am the one with the j3 also, I tried this new debug version and it does fix the problem of turning off/on. However, it seems to introduce a problem where the screen locks, or seems to. The buttons seem to respond but you can't see the results and the way to recover is to use the task list button (lower left) and select androwish, or to turn it off and on. Then you see the results of any button tapping.

I can't quite nail it down, but I think I'm seeing this problem when I use the borg spinner command. While the circle is rotating, my program updates a label. With this debug version, the label doesn't update. After the spinner is turned off, the label is still not updated. Power off and on, and the label is now updated. 

Sorry I don't have time to work on this further.

chw added on 2020-03-31 06:40:57: (text/x-fossil-plain)
Please provide a code snippet which demonstrates this problem.

anonymous added on 2020-04-01 02:13:17: (text/x-markdown)
Ok, I have several problems with the below code. I am running this via a shortcut I created to launch it.

Mostly, but not always, after launch, the exit button does not work.
If you wait the 4 seconds it will do the spinner, and after that the button is not active, but you can turn off/on and it may be active. If you tap on the console window, it should come to the front, but it doesn't AFTER the spinner
has completed. If you tap the console immediately (before the spinner starts) then it comes to the front. Once the spinner's done, the console menu stops working also. Turning off/on can fix it sometimes, but not always.

Not everything is repeatable exactly each time, so try it a few times.

If I put the 2016-04-23 version back on, everything works as expected.

(i hope this code formats for you, in preview it loses all line endings, so I added ; after each line)

wm geom . 265x200+10+10;
console show;
button .exit -text exit -command exit;
pack .exit -fill both -expand true;
after 4000 {set ::wt 1};
vwait ::wt;
 borg spinner on;
 after 2000 {set ::wt 1};
 vwait ::wt;
 borg spinner off;
 after 30000 exit;
vwait forever;

anonymous added on 2020-04-01 02:26:28: (text/x-markdown)
Ok, double spacing seems to work

wm geom . 265x200+10+10; 

console show;
button .exit -text exit -command exit;

 pack .exit -fill both -expand true; 

update; after 4000 {set ::wt 1}; 

vwait ::wt; 

borg spinner on; 

after 2000 {set ::wt 1}; 

vwait ::wt; 

borg spinner off; 

after 30000 exit;
vwait forever;

chw added on 2020-04-01 04:16:15: (text/x-fossil-plain)
This is a new problem, so I'm closing this ticket and open a
new one for this report, see [96603c19ac].