Files in hellotcltk/ of 5c4d9230b5
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Files in directory /hellotcltk of check-in 5c4d9230b5

  • assets
  • libs
  • res
  • src
  • AndroidManifest.xml
  • build.xml
  • proguard-project.txt
  • README.txt

hellotcltk - Sample Android app re-using AndroWish runtime


Android SDK (version 12 or later)

Minimum API level supported by SDL: 10 (Android 2.3.3)
Requested API level from 14 (Android 4.0)
CPUs supported for native shared libraries (jni/ armeabi x86
Joystick support is available for API level >=12 devices.

 How it works

- This project is a proof of concept on how to re-use the installed
  components of AndroWish in another app
- The required Java code is an empty class deriving from tk.tcl.wish.AndroWish
- Your Tcl code should be placed below .../assets/app and gets mounted
  on runtime as /assets/assets/app
- The main entry script must be .../assets/app/main.tcl
- To refer to your packaged Tcl files [file dirname [info script]] should be

WARNING: this is still experimental. When new features are added to
AndroWish which change JNI interfaces (function signatures) older
versions based on this approach will most likely crash.

 Building the package

1. Refresh the project settings using the android command from Android SDK:

   android update project

2. Review to point to the directory where Android SDK resides

3. Use ant to build the project:

      ant debug

4. Install HelloTclTk on emulator or device:

   adb install -r bin/HelloTclTk-debug.apk

5. Start HelloTclTk on emulator or device using adb from development system:

   adb shell am start tk.tcl.hello

6. Clean the build tree:

   ant clean